Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A Modest Proposal For January 2014

Soooo…. the news.  The NEWS?  The gnu’s? The newz?

I am reasonably well read.  I take the St. Louis Post Dispatch out of sympathy and sense of obligation.  I read the Wall Street Journal Every Day.  I get the New Yorker Weekly.  I listen to NPR almost incessantly in my car and in a vain effort to understand my brother I listen Glenn Beck several hours a week.  I watch “Meet The Press” every Sunday and follow it up with Fox’s weekly news show.  Sometimes I scramble home from work to watch the national news at 5:30.  Historically, I try and stay away from the freestanding silos of cable news but there was a dark period during the last election where I would watch FOX or MSNBC as I got dressed but that was too depressing on all counts.  The point is, historically, I  like the news.

But that seems to be changing.  I really enjoy the local NPR station, The provide a lot of news and although they are not “Fair and Balanced” they provide different voices and often illustrate that there are two sides to issues and that some have “nuances’. I do not find them particularly liberal but understand myself well enough to realize I have become indoctrinated.  I generally believe that:
1.  Everyone should have health care
2.  Immigration, even illegal immigration has made our country great and we need to let this latest group of criminals in.
3.  Government holds the potential of improving peoples lives in some limited situations.
4.  I do not believe that corporations have constitutional rights or that the founders intended same.
5.  I do not believe that money is “speech” or that the founders intended same.
6.  I think I live in the greatest country in the world at the best possible time to be alive.
7.  I think my children’s future and the countries future is what we, and they make it.

So I guess that makes me a pinko but as I said, I have some awareness of my socialist/communist/progressive/Christian leanings.  The Post Dispatch I am told is a liberal publication but I just think of it as a shitty publication.  Their own editorials are all liberal, some stupidly so but they publish Krautheimer and George Will and David Brooks as well as the liberal columnists.  Almost every day they publish a letter from a reader  going off on the President so, they try and show some other sides but more than anything, it is just a bad paper with a lot of Associated Press stories, no analysis and trivial local coverage.  As I have stated in the past…”you can wrap fish in it.”

The Wall Street Journal is awesome for international coverage and runs a steady drumbeat of “the colored boy is ruining the country” in it’s domestic reporting and editorials.  But I like it as far as providing a more intellectual right wing point of view as well as the best international coverage.  Better than the Times.  I do not agree with their editorial page much but it is well  written and often well argued.  I believe that The Hoover Institution at Stanford exists solely for the purpose of turning out Wall Street Journal Editorial page fodder.  But I like it.  It challenges me.  This is good.  Rupert Murdoch and Fox own the Journal but it still has a modicum of journalistic integrity. Murdoch's ownership and his influence has compromised that as any owners politically leaning effect the editors who have their paychecks signed by them.  I can live with that.

Fox is less than useless.  A drum beat of pretty and angry woman and spluttering, overcompensating, self important, effeminate, angry men.  They are fair and balanced like a lynch mob and their “We Report, You Decide” along with “Fair and Balanced” provide the best example of Orwellian NewSpeak, other than “The Affordable Care Act” and “Operation Freedom”.

Glenn Beck is a demagogue and an entertainer who makes money by making people frightened.  I guess in a free country that is acceptable but as a Christian American I abhor the politics of fear that he spreads.  It is not a source of news and his “Blaze” web site and TV channel are more than shameful but… it is a free country.  The “fat man on the radio” Rush Limbaugh is no different.  They set up false narratives that support their agendas but never be confused, their agenda is to make money by feeding the people in their silo.  A false narrative is something along the lines of citing a school in Omaha sending a kid home for waving around a picture of a gun as evidence of the FACT that America has become irrationally intolerant of guns and violence.  

But lately I have been suffering fatigue.  It has been building since 2008 but the 2012 election capped it and since then it has been once again a steady drumbeat and it is starting to fill me with anxiety… and a little dread.

Debt Crisis
Shut Down
Sustainable Energy
Nuclear Option
North Korea
Climate Change (go ahead and argue it’s made up...I dare you)
The next debt ceiling increase
Fill in the blank

Everything is a pile of shit.  Government has failed, the Fed has failed, big banks have failed, “Mainstream Media”...FAILED, FOX...failed, our schools have failed, curtailing gun violence, FAILED, Mid Eastern Policy, FAILED… it goes on and on with everyone attacking everyone else and no one listening or working with anyone who disagrees with them because listening and compromise are SIGNS OF WEAKNESS! The idea that all of these problems are complex and do not allow simple solutions are an anathema to the way all these media/news/entertainers make their livings.  

It is starting to make me mentally ill and all who know me would say MORE mentally ill and no one needs that.  It literally makes me jittery to turn on NPR and when I switch over to FOX it is worse.  Everyone is so earnest and so genuine and everything is not just a disaster for me and my family but is a disaster for our grandchildren AND OUR IMMORTAL SOULS!  

Really?  Can anything be that important?  More to the point, is EVERYTHING so important?  Can EVERYTHING be threatening our democracy, our environment, our morals and of course OUR CHILDREN!?!?  The answer is obvious and the answer is no.  I like being informed but these guys have screwed the pooch.  I am a Christian.  My hope is for the future and my faith is in God and his plan.  I cannot continue to be thrashed by this litany of “EVERYTHING IS HOPELESS AND WE NEED TO BUY GOLD, STORE FOOD AND BUY GUNS”!  It seems wrong to me but it also seems wrong to rail against the people who believe this.  There a time when we just ignored crazy people in our country.  Now we elect them, give them microphones and we read their blogs and often give them money.

I am not going to create the answer but as a news junky I am going to try 30 days without news.  No Post, No Wall Street Journal, Music in my car and perhaps some time alone with the Bible on Sunday mornings before church.  Maybe some books on tape or TED talks or something...anything.  I do not know if I can do this.  Also, if there is news on in my vicinity I will try not to listen.  I will be happy to discuss things with people who are tuned in but I really am going to try to read some of the books that have stacked up on my shelf and spend a little bit more time in contemplation. It is going to take some planning and I am inviting you to do the same thing.  Opt out.  30 days.  We can encourage one another if you're brave enough.  Let’s reclaim our anxiety and breathe deeply and avoid these earnest, well intentioned new sources predicting our doom. Just for a month.  Unless it feels too good to stop.  If you are of a mind join me.  

I would like to say, “See you in the funny papers” but I think I am going to duck those too.


Thursday, November 28, 2013

Joe Pug @ The Firebird

Sooooo......I haSoooo. I had never been to TheFirebird. But this last Saturday night they had one of my favorites Joe Pug into town.  I have seen him at least 5 times and despite his patently commercial name the guy writes fabulous, meaningful folk/rock.  I have been loving this guy seems I heard the song “Hymn 101”:

“And I've come to roam the forest past the village
With a dozen lazy horses in my cart
I've come here to get high,
To do more than just get by.
I've come to test the timber of my heart
Oh, I've come to test the timber of my heart
And I've come to be untroubled in my seeking
And I've come to see that nothing is for naught
I've come to reach out blind
to reach forward and behind
For the more I seek the more I'm sought
Yea, the more I seek the more I'm sought.”

NPR did a little piece just on this song:

This was my first trip to The Firebird.  Not for lack of trying.  They have brought a lot of good acts there over the years but I just… never made it.  It is right off of Olive kind of behind the old A.G. Edwards (whatever that is now) and though it fronts on Olive, parking is behind it and you really don’t notice it unless you pay attention (never a strogng suit).  It has been a long time since I really felt like I was “in a good room”.  The much lamented Mississippi Nights, despite everyone’s best intentions has never been really replaced.  We had lost Ciceros Basement sometime before that and there just was a void.  Off Broadway sucked and though it has improved there was still no place that was just…. a room.  The Firebird could be anyone’s suburban basement.  Just a big, flat room with a stage and a dance floor.  We were lucky enough to get some deating in one of the half dozen booths off to the side and we… had us a time.

He does a solo act and he also comes out with a band and in any case always puts on a great show.  Chicago is the home base but he tours nationally.  His last albumis from 2012 and is called “The Great Despiser”.  He had two prior EP’s and another LP called “Nations Of Heat”.  A nice bio can be found on his site:

Each one of the releases has some brilliant songs on it.  One of the problems on all his albums is they are all of such an even, high quality that they seem kind of interchangable.
The same can be said for his live shows.  He has a very tight little three piece band and they fricking OWN his songs.  His voice in consistent and he has learned a lot in the last 4 years of hard core touring.  He works the crowd and plays a tight set frought with with nuance and meaning.  It is music to pay attention to and the crowd at the Firebird was respectful and quiet, almost eerily so for what was close to a full house by the time he went on.  

Anyway, check out Joe Pug (Pugliese) when you have a chance.  Whether life or on one of his CD’s it is what music is all about.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Dallas Buyers Club: The Diner Movie Review

Sooooo…. The Diner Review likes to go to the movies and there has been a reasonable amount of hype for “Dallas Buyers Club” which was released Friday.  It stars Matthew McConaughey and has Jared Leto as a costar and is… not a feel good film.  I have no question that McConaughey will be nominated for Best Actor and the timing is clearly geared towards the Oscars.  He has always been kind of a pretty face, more than a powerful actor and this is his bid and it is a pretty strong one.

People are saying he plays the roll of a red neck but that is really not fair.  He plays the roll of the worst kind of piece of shit, amoral, white trash, Texas bigots and in saying all those things I have mentioned all of the characters moral strengths.  This is not a movie for the morally squeamish and it opens with what appears to be a hazy threesome at the rodeo and although I do not consider myself a prude it is uncomfortable in every aspect.  

His character is clearly sick but not worried about it as he is an alcoholic drug abusing electrician but… he passes out, goes to the hospital and the beautiful Jenifer Garner as a doctor working with another doctor and they diagnose him with HIV and AIDS and tell him that he has about 30 days to get his affairs in order and do the right thing and die.  Based on what you have seen of his character you are certainly, at that point, hoping he dies quickly.

But he responds with defiance and the story starts to get interesting as he finds the medical community is clueless, money driven, and rather then helping him to get better is actively working against him.  The story tells the shameful back story of the rushed development of the AIDS treatment AZT and how those trials, for cash, distorted the picture for many victims and indeed killed some patients early. Although the movie does not get into South African Aids denial, there is a great article explaining the issues with AZT and reading it will help you to understand part of the horror outlined by this movie.

At the hospital he meets Leto’s character Rayon and there is no question Leto is going to be nominated for an award as well.  He was the dark troubled boyfriend in the orgininal MTV series and Claire Danes vehicle “My So Called Life” and I had not seen or heard from him since that time.  He appears in the second hospital scene and his “Butch and Sundance” relationship with Matthew McConaughey is the heart of the movie as Leto’s character is a drug addicted transvestite.  I had no idea, until I wrote this that Leto was also in "Fight Club".
And then as Rayon:

He through research and conversations and lucking into a disreputable American doctor in Mexico develops a treatment regime (you have to suspend your disbelief a little based on what you have seen of  McConaughey’s character) starts importing legal drugs which promote wellness, and treat some of the symptoms of the disease and he lives.  For a long time anyway.  And he keeps developing and refining treatment, with some slip ups on the way as the FDA and the medical establishment battle to stop and discredit him.  The movie gets his name because he sets up a “Buyers Club” because it is of course illegal to sell drugs but he would instead sell memberships and then supply people for 400 bucks a month.

As the movie runs towards it’s inevitable (at that time) conclusions, you are left with a nice portrait of the evil influence of money on the medical establishment as well as a portrait of the beauty and strength of people and how even the most useless, despicable people can lead changed lives.

This will not win the best picture but both Leto and  McConaughey will be nominated for best  supporting actor and actor respectively.  You should go see this movie but dont go planning on feeling good about anything when you leave.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Okkervil River: Off Broadway November 4 2013

Soooo..... as discussed there is nothing like live music.  NOTHING!  With Fall mercilessly upon us and winter a bad shout out away one needs something to lift out of the gun in my mouth season... with trees turning brown and leaves....falling.  But there is even more nothing better (and I intended to say it like that) than seeing live music in a small venue... as God intended.  Follow the Diner Review Rule that if the guitarist us not close enough to spit on you, than don't bother to go.  Two weeks ago I went to see Neutral Milk Hotel down at the Blue Note in Columbia and it was an epic show... but nothing like this.

My son Jon of St. Louis Wing Review fame was finishing up a brutal Fall concert schedule and was wing man.  Jon had come fresh from a dinner with my in-laws which I ...missed.  It had been a long weekend of family with everyone in town for a wedding but they were gone now and this would be a finale to 3 nights of being slightly...over served. 

Off Broadway has morphed into one of the more pleasant places to see a show.  The new management (now several years in place) has...

*Opened a courtyard and made that the entrance which improved on the rat maze feel the old entrance had...like you were coming into a closet or something.
*Removed wagon wheel light fixture which though "classic" blocked the view from the shitty balcony and cluttered the room.
*Further uncluttered by removing all the crap off the walls replacing them with iconic (if boring) posters of musicians, many of whom are flipping the bird.
*Torn out the beautiful long bar and replaced it with a much smaller and more manageable  one.  It is not as pretty and you will wait in line but there is never any question of being ignored or when it is "your turn".
They have not fixed the bathrooms which remain abysmal though clean.  They do discriminate against the "bowel challenged" (I might adopt that as a description for my celiac) but I would suspect that is a 5 figure to 6 figure fix which is hard to justify,  A port-o-potty rental for the courtyard might be an idea though or even a bathroom out there... I don't know.  Bottom line is that they have made it into a much more friendly venue, and the shows run on time which is something former management could never seem to get done.

The other nice thing about it is that if you get there for the opener, you are likely to see the headliner, or headliners, walking around.  Like Richard Gere in "Officer and a Gentlemen", they got nowhere else to go!  Unless they want to hide in the attic like green room there are very few choices.  I was there early because I was excited about the show and needed to stake out standing space for Jon and myself and got to chat up Will Sheff in the drink line.  He is a pretty unassuming guy and has boyish looks.  I was able tot ell him how much I liked his music and he was polite and friendly.  I did not make him get in a pic with me... I was proud of myself for maintaining that tiny...TINY bit of dignity.  The last time I saw Sheff was at the Pageant where he did a standoffish set and was so drunk that he forgot a verse of "Westfall" but..... I am a fan.

Will Johnson opened.  Johnson is from Kennett Missouri (If It Makes You Happy) and now lives in Austin.  He interested me 15 years ago with his main band Centromatic but has a lot of solo stuff out as well as a tribute CD he did with Jay Farar.  Bottom line was he played solo and he was...great.  Kind of a Kenny Logins (Logins and Messina) voice but then he would get all dark and whispery and his guitar is just...haunting. He played about a 50 minute set and was impressive enough for me to buy his new CD. 

I had been off to the side of the stage but after Johnson left the weak willed or weak bladdered headed off and I moved in and camped front row (standing) slightly off center and was thrilled, once again by the tininess of people who go see live music.  Whether it is a genetic thing with music lovers or whether it is because they are more apt to abuse themselves with cigarettes and alcohol stunting growth... it is great to be over 6 foot at a live show.  Jon showed up and we had nothing but these sweet, elf size music lovers in front of us, so much so that I that I was able to move several more people in front of me (because you don't want to be a dick and block other people's view just because you can) and peer over their heads.  It is, by the way, considered poor form to place your drinks on their heads.

Okkervil came on at the crack of 9:30.  Late for a school night but it had been tweeted by venue that it was the schedule, and it was, so I could pace myself mentally and cocktail-wise. Sheff came on with a crack 5 piece band and simply killed it, tore it up, beat it up bloody, right from the start.  He lit into two tracks from the new album, "It Was My Season" and "Balcony" which really got everyone going but after that he tore into some his great, old, angry songs from Black Sheep Boy, "For Real" at which point he owned the audience and the show.

Their new album, "Down The Deep River" is a really mature work and it hearkens back to the earlier days of the band with a lot of accessible introspection.  Sheff has been all over the rock press and NPR promoting this and everyone seems to make it out as this loveable look back at growing up in a small New England town.  Can New England be pastoral?  I don't think so and I would argue that Sheff does not either.  There is joy, sadness and God bless him, teen angst.  The songs recall all types imagery from the 80s and they are sweet... with an edge.  I don't know what this was.

This show was a killer.  An artist who is re-peaking after a little thrashing around who really knows how to put on a live show.  This size venue is PERFECT for him, and for the audience.

Will Johnson Opened!

Monday, November 4, 2013


Sooooo...Fall.  They say it was on September 22nd, the Equinox but that is clearly wrong and stupid… and wrong.  It is not fall until Day Light Savings Time sets the clock back.  You revel in sleeping in that morning adoring suddenly the cool crispness of the air. That crisp air of course intellectually advises us that winter is just about here.  The intelligent species (old people who have won the Darwinian wars with their peers) are already gone south but we, the stupid, the people with jobs, we shamble along and tell us that “Fall is not so bad!”  We exclaim!  We smile.
I got up this morning.  Cooked a large breakfast, read the paper and went to church and then got some lunch and without realizing it, the day was almost gone  Light started waning shortly after the Rams disappoint again.  Fall.  Dimming light and dimming hope that one can yet escape the bleak cold of a St. Louis Winter and forgot a cruel and beautiful baseball summer. Fall and it’s expectation makes people mad.
"Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress; but I repeat myself."
— Mark Twain
Case in point, the United States Government.  Once again, I know I repetitively refer to it as a clown car, but that is because it is… a clown car.  The open up the doors of Congress and this unimaginably large number of bozos in brightly colored wigs, red noses come barreling out with their big shoes.  And these clowns talk… and talk… and talk.  Rarely has so much shit and trash talk come out of Washington in my life.  The threaten, they pose and they posture.  They assure you that they represent the American people but, don't we all know?
They represent themselves.  They represent their family.  They represent a perpetuation of their own power and the power of their friends and benefactors.  They do it by embodying the simple mindedness that can only come from being a true believer.  This is true of the right and of the left.  This is true of progressives and conservatives. They cannot see the truth because it is not in their interest to see the truth.  It is in their interest to announce loudly simple falsities that satisfy their constituents mind set.
“The Government IS the problem!”
And of course there is truth in that but government also has power to do massive good. But government cannot “fix” anything, but… it is all we got.
And these assholes that we have elected over the past twenty years (arguably my adult life) have severely damaged our democracy and our future.  Now granted they inherited a ship which at least since The New Deal has been premised on borrowing from the future or...let’s use another platitude…
Hypothetically we could take the country back and fix it but it would require thinking, balanced people, the reasonable American middle to fight back against the dogmatic, certain SHOUTERS of the right and the left.  Make no mistake when our government is pushed to the brink of a shutdown it serves no one more then the Tea Party.  They want a government that provides roads, national defense and a minimal police force.  
They stand their ground, they don't call 911!
Every time they make all of us question their basic ability to govern they win in further delegitimizing government.  It started when they out maneuvered Obama on the sequester.  Cuts so drastic and stupid and inelegant that no one could abide in them.  But of course, the Tea Party could abide them.  More reasonable Republicans in the middle could not but they are now irrelevant. The goal of the Tea party is to destroy government because it cannot be fixed and the goal of the liberal left is to spend it into destruction.  Both should be an anathema to reasonable people.
We still sit on the greatest piece of real estate in the world.  We still have a fabulous melting pot of people and their progeny who are capable of anything!  But we need to bring back the middle.  We have to look at other opinions with respect and then win the battle with a sensible way of us all going forward together.  It can be done.  The return to the middle is possible but damn, it is going to be hard, and it is going to take a long time and it is going to require that we insist on rationale discussion and decision making.
it might require shutting down 24 hour cable news and demagogues on talk radio.  I know freedom of speech is the holiest of our constitutional rights.  So holy that it is not in the constitution but instead in the First Amendment but holy is holy.  It might require us rethinking whether corporations are people (we all know the founders loved the big corporations like the Dutch East India Company.  We might also have to reconsider whether money is speech… or speech is speech.  But we might not have to do those things if perhaps we could discuss it.  I could be wrong and perhaps corporations are indeed people but it would seem to run against everything I have ever learned, but still, I would embrace discussing it.
But we would need to be brave.  We would need a leader who was willing to speak the truth and when he tried to lead us down a painful road, we would need the courage not to kick him out for his courage.  Here is one example:
1.    Entitlements are writing checks we cannot pay.  In a growing economy with productive baby boomers we could pretend that there would always be more money...tomorrow and we could spend it today and promise… whatever.  This will require sacrifice.  It will mean that people who have paid into Social Security will; NOT get the benefits they were promised.  But those benefits for our long living generation are MUCH more than they have paid in.  So, in short order:
    a.    raise retirement age to 70.  I know none of us wants to work and “The Greatest Generation” (the one who raised us) retired younger and had a retirement house in Florida.  We will not be able to do that, or likely to have that and you know what, it is going to suck and it is going to be great too.
    b.    Means test for the money.  I don’t know what the number is but hypothetically people with 50 Million do not need $4,000.00 extra a month to put in the bank and leave to their progeny.
I don’t know what to do after that but I know that is a start which will be hollered about and it will stink and it will not solve the problem, but it will start solving a problem in a sensitive, painful way that perhaps if we had a brave leader he could lead us to brave solutions.
So it is 5:30 and pitch black and these are the types of crazy ramblings that come out of a middle aged man when his fantasy football team is out of contention.  I look forward to thinking about other ideas for our new party.  A Jack Danforth Republican Party with a Bill Clinton Democratic Party might be a good start.
We can make the middle phat again!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

An Embearrassing Admission: "Royals" by Lordes

Soooooo.....there are many points in life where we stand humbled.  Humiliated.  These are not times to be reveled in.  We would like to ignore them.  Bury them away when they occur as we believe we have done with past humiliations.   I could give you a load of examples ranging from my discoveries that I had no athletic gifts, to my total and continuing lack of understanding of women and on to numerous mistakes academically and professionally.

But you always think when these untoward events and self realizations occur that it will be the last one. That you have suffered through the last embarrassing event or self realization. That certainly by now you are comfortable in your own skin.  Certainly at 51 you have a reasonable idea who you are, what your tastes are and personal limitations. I am self proud, obnoxious music snob. I am disdainful of the taste makers but even more disdainful of the unwashed masses. I have recently attempted to grab on to something in EDM (Eectronic Dance Music) but no matter what I listened to I found that I could simply not "get there from here". That is ok. I tried. I know EDM is cool and that is where most of the young geniuses are working but... I cannot do it. I had the same experience with Rap and Hip-Hop years ago. Shit happens and it allows me to be critical of what is current. What is hip. Tre music I listen to is not hip. It is just good.  Generally in the new music would this attitude has served me well. It has never been easier for talent to put to music out and make it available. The hard part is figuring out what is good.  

There are things we know are not good. Whatever is on the billboard top ten chart is not good. These  are farts in the musical windstorm. Pap for the masses. They are to be endured when one finds oneself for some sad reason in a mall, at a GAP or Old Navy Store.  They don't even play this crap in the Starbucks (leave your gun at home).  Right now perched on top in the one and two spots are Miley Cyrus and Katy Perry.  Nuffield said. I too proudly did not know what "twerking" is or was and now sadly I do. Madonna arguably mattered. These chicks don't. They are produced and managed to be famous, not to make lasting music. Watching a girl who can't dance dress in pedophile chic and engage in simulated sex (and someone needs to tell her she can dance) is not music and Katy Perry is not much more talented but at least understands her dance limitations. This is the natural extension of Brittany. Ex Disney kids, pretty and well managed stoking up the machine. Here today, rehab tomorrow, gone the next day. I hate this shit.

Put Katy and Miley at 1 and 2 are not the problem.  The problem is number 3.  I blame Bob Lefsetz...lefsetz.com for telling me about this track.  Lefsetz os one of those filters that allows me to find some good music.  He writes on the industry and has different tastes than me but is age appropriate and seems like a smart little guy.  So several weeks ago  he does a post comparing Katy Perry, Paul Mc Cartneys new single and…”Royals” by… Lorde.

Which made me listen to it on you tube.

I immediately dismissed it.  All loops.  No guitar.  All production.  Then he sent me again there last week and I listened again, and I couldn’t stop.  This  gal can really sing and she rights tight and hooky.  Any I have listened to it probably 100 times over the last three or four days and I am shamed and embarrassed but it is that good.  And it is number 3 on Billboard which is just… just the worst thing in the world.  Then through the miracle of Spottify I can listen to the rest of the limited catalogue on youtube and Spottify.  Check out the video for “Tennis”.

There is something about the lyrics.  There is something about her.  I don’t picture her  getting naked and humping her ass on stage for a few more clicks.  I don’t sense the production machine.  Great lyrics, humable hooks and a totally embarrassed music snob but this great and you have probably heard it a 100 times.  I am slow to get to this prom.

But everybody's like:
Diamonds on your timepiece
Jet planes
Tigers on a gold leash
We don't care, we aren't caught up in your love affair
And we'll never be royals (royals)
It don't run in our blood
That kind of lux just ain't for us, we crave a different kind of buzz
Let me be your ruler (ruler)
You can call me queen bee
And baby I'll rule, I'll rule, I'll rule, I'll rule
Let me live that fantasy

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Warren Zevon, Ten Years Gone

She's so many women
He can't find the one who was his friend
He's hanging on to half a heart
But he can't have the restless part
So he tells her to hasten down the wind

Sooooo…. Warren Zevon.  He has been dead 10 years as of September 7th.  That… is a day that will live in infamy. I never really knew what to do with him.  I knew he was west coast and was buddies with Jackson Brown and Waddy Wachtel and the Eagles and Linda Ronstadt and… everyone.

I knew “Werewolves of London” in all of its ubiquitousness.  It was...everywhere and it was funny… and annpying… and brilliant… and everywhere.  I was aware that he had a lof interesting songs.  In college I would blast “Lawyers, Guns and Money” and “I’ll Sleep When I am Dead”.  He was biting and ironic and could really pound a phrase and he made me smile but other than “Excitable Boy” I did not feel the need tp buy a lot of his music.

My eyes are stapled open wide,
As I lay down on my side.
I am bouncing off these walls.
As I focus on the clock,
Time stands still, but I cannot.
I should strap myself in bed.
I guess I'll sleep when I am dead.

But over the years he crept into my consciousness.

I found out he wrote “Hasten Down The Wind”.  I truly became obsessed with the song “French Inhaler”

How're you going to make your way in the world
When you weren't cut out for working?
When your fingers are slender and frail
How're you going to get around in this sleazy bedroom town
If you don't put yourself up for sale?

but “Bad Luck Streak In Dancing School” though a clever title with some awesome people on it (Springsteen and T-Bone Burnett)  it did not impress.. other than the haunting “Play It All Night Long”,

I'm going down to the Dew Drop Inn
See if I can drink enough
There ain't much to country living
Sweat, piss, jizz and blood

"Sweet home Alabama"
Play that dead band's song
Turn those speakers up full blast
Play it all night long

“The Envoy” released in 1982… lost me completely.  It was only later I found he was losing himself as well. In 1987 he comes back and with some help from REM releases “Sentimental Hygene” for my law school graduation containing the unstoppable…”Boom Boom Mancini”. one of the best boxing songs….ever.

Hurry home early hurry on home
Boom Boom Mancini's fighting Bobby Chacon
Hurry home early hurry on home
Boom Boom Mancini's fighting Bobby Chacon
Lyrics from eLyrics.net

“Transverse City” in 89 woul have allowed him to be forgotten by me again, but for the song “Splendid Isolation”.  “Mr. Bad Example” in in 1991 allowed me to forget him...again.  In 2009 he came back with “Mutineer” and it was all good, rollicking and smart but crowned by “The Indifference of Heaven”.

Time marches on
Time stands still
Time on my hands, time to kill
Blood on my hands
And my hands in the till
Down at the 7-11
Gentle rain falls on me
And all life folds back into the sea
We contemplate eternity
Beneath the vast indifference of Heaven

The frightiningly named “Life Will Kill You” gave us nothing but “My Shits Fucked Up”.  He finished his studio albums with “The WInd” which was uneven and brilliant and heartbeaking as he was dying.

But when you go back and read the lyrics.  The lyrics were always tight and brilliant.  Perfect and brilliant.  Brilliant and brilliant. Everyone admired the guys brilliance.  So I read the lyrics.  His son came out with a book of them shortly after his death and I was wowed all over again, and again.  So I went out and bought his first wife’s biography of him, “I’ll Sleep When I Am Dead (The Dirty Life and Times of Warren Zevon).  And it was great and depressing.  If you love the west coast music scene of the last 30 years it is classic.  His ex wife Crystal did not write the book so much as just put together paragraphs by other people ranging from… everyone who ever knew him.  Relatives, girlfriends, musicians, singers, songwriters, agents, producers… all vaguley chronological.  And it is worth reading.

It is amazing as you read this… what a scared, arrogant, unhappy, brilliant, admired, insecure bastard he was.  When concerned about music he abused his women, serially.  He was a hopeless alcoholic, until he straightened himself out and had several years of revered sobriety before diving back in. Devestating to read.  Painful but true and realistically he could not live through it.  Happy for his friends success.  Bitter that he never got rich from his talent and always suspicious that he was a fake.  More than anything else reading the book as he struggled with people and music and alcohol and drugs to find pleasure that his life was the portrait of a godless life and the emptiness he found in that life ate him up, and those around him.  But God he could write.
Now, at this point in my life, his albums are a soundtrack for my life and perhaps all of ours.  Not always a happy sound track but a portrait of searching and sadness which resonates with anyone who  is lucky enough to remain living.  He was a beautiful, unhappy, sad mess.  I hope that he sleep peacefully now that his dead, but I suspect whether in heaven or hell he is making some righteous noise.  

I miss him or even more I miss the idea of him.  Sometimes the world needs reckless, self destructive beauty.  

But don't it make you want to rock and roll
All night long
Mohammed's Radio
I heard somebody singing sweet and soulful
On the radio, Mohammed's Radio

Shadows are fallin' and I'm runnin' out of breath
Keep me in your heart for a while
If I leave you it doesn't mean I love you any less
Keep me in your heart for a while