I am reasonably well read. I take the St. Louis Post Dispatch out of sympathy and sense of obligation. I read the Wall Street Journal Every Day. I get the New Yorker Weekly. I listen to NPR almost incessantly in my car and in a vain effort to understand my brother I listen Glenn Beck several hours a week. I watch “Meet The Press” every Sunday and follow it up with Fox’s weekly news show. Sometimes I scramble home from work to watch the national news at 5:30. Historically, I try and stay away from the freestanding silos of cable news but there was a dark period during the last election where I would watch FOX or MSNBC as I got dressed but that was too depressing on all counts. The point is, historically, I like the news.
But that seems to be changing. I really enjoy the local NPR station, The provide a lot of news and although they are not “Fair and Balanced” they provide different voices and often illustrate that there are two sides to issues and that some have “nuances’. I do not find them particularly liberal but understand myself well enough to realize I have become indoctrinated. I generally believe that:
1. Everyone should have health care
2. Immigration, even illegal immigration has made our country great and we need to let this latest group of criminals in.
3. Government holds the potential of improving peoples lives in some limited situations.
4. I do not believe that corporations have constitutional rights or that the founders intended same.
5. I do not believe that money is “speech” or that the founders intended same.
6. I think I live in the greatest country in the world at the best possible time to be alive.
7. I think my children’s future and the countries future is what we, and they make it.

The Wall Street Journal is awesome for international coverage and runs a steady drumbeat of “the colored boy is ruining the country” in it’s domestic reporting and editorials. But I like it as far as providing a more intellectual right wing point of view as well as the best international coverage. Better than the Times. I do not agree with their editorial page much but it is well written and often well argued. I believe that The Hoover Institution at Stanford exists solely for the purpose of turning out Wall Street Journal Editorial page fodder. But I like it. It challenges me. This is good. Rupert Murdoch and Fox own the Journal but it still has a modicum of journalistic integrity. Murdoch's ownership and his influence has compromised that as any owners politically leaning effect the editors who have their paychecks signed by them. I can live with that.
Fox is less than useless. A drum beat of pretty and angry woman and spluttering, overcompensating, self important, effeminate, angry men. They are fair and balanced like a lynch mob and their “We Report, You Decide” along with “Fair and Balanced” provide the best example of Orwellian NewSpeak, other than “The Affordable Care Act” and “Operation Freedom”.
Glenn Beck is a demagogue and an entertainer who makes money by making people frightened. I guess in a free country that is acceptable but as a Christian American I abhor the politics of fear that he spreads. It is not a source of news and his “Blaze” web site and TV channel are more than shameful but… it is a free country. The “fat man on the radio” Rush Limbaugh is no different. They set up false narratives that support their agendas but never be confused, their agenda is to make money by feeding the people in their silo. A false narrative is something along the lines of citing a school in Omaha sending a kid home for waving around a picture of a gun as evidence of the FACT that America has become irrationally intolerant of guns and violence.
But lately I have been suffering fatigue. It has been building since 2008 but the 2012 election capped it and since then it has been once again a steady drumbeat and it is starting to fill me with anxiety… and a little dread.
Debt Crisis
Shut Down
Sustainable Energy
Nuclear Option
North Korea
Climate Change (go ahead and argue it’s made up...I dare you)
The next debt ceiling increase
Fill in the blank
Everything is a pile of shit. Government has failed, the Fed has failed, big banks have failed, “Mainstream Media”...FAILED, FOX...failed, our schools have failed, curtailing gun violence, FAILED, Mid Eastern Policy, FAILED… it goes on and on with everyone attacking everyone else and no one listening or working with anyone who disagrees with them because listening and compromise are SIGNS OF WEAKNESS! The idea that all of these problems are complex and do not allow simple solutions are an anathema to the way all these media/news/entertainers make their livings.
It is starting to make me mentally ill and all who know me would say MORE mentally ill and no one needs that. It literally makes me jittery to turn on NPR and when I switch over to FOX it is worse. Everyone is so earnest and so genuine and everything is not just a disaster for me and my family but is a disaster for our grandchildren AND OUR IMMORTAL SOULS!
Really? Can anything be that important? More to the point, is EVERYTHING so important? Can EVERYTHING be threatening our democracy, our environment, our morals and of course OUR CHILDREN!?!? The answer is obvious and the answer is no. I like being informed but these guys have screwed the pooch. I am a Christian. My hope is for the future and my faith is in God and his plan. I cannot continue to be thrashed by this litany of “EVERYTHING IS HOPELESS AND WE NEED TO BUY GOLD, STORE FOOD AND BUY GUNS”! It seems wrong to me but it also seems wrong to rail against the people who believe this. There a time when we just ignored crazy people in our country. Now we elect them, give them microphones and we read their blogs and often give them money.
I am not going to create the answer but as a news junky I am going to try 30 days without news. No Post, No Wall Street Journal, Music in my car and perhaps some time alone with the Bible on Sunday mornings before church. Maybe some books on tape or TED talks or something...anything. I do not know if I can do this. Also, if there is news on in my vicinity I will try not to listen. I will be happy to discuss things with people who are tuned in but I really am going to try to read some of the books that have stacked up on my shelf and spend a little bit more time in contemplation. It is going to take some planning and I am inviting you to do the same thing. Opt out. 30 days. We can encourage one another if you're brave enough. Let’s reclaim our anxiety and breathe deeply and avoid these earnest, well intentioned new sources predicting our doom. Just for a month. Unless it feels too good to stop. If you are of a mind join me.
I would like to say, “See you in the funny papers” but I think I am going to duck those too.