Sooooo...are you shitting me? Really? We have an economy that is limping along. You can call it a recovery but that is generous. What it is not is in recession but we are... bouncing along the bottom. In this tenuous thing we have Washington ass clowns (who we in both parties elected) and they are going to tank this economy. By not having a budget, by not having tax reform, with having manufactured clients several times a year, not having entitlement reform... we are barely making it. Now they want to heard us off the cliff.
I don’t think we can sugar coat it. We will look back on this failure as the beginning of the end for this economy. Only one thing can happen when you cut 85 billion out of defense and entitlements, there is only one thing that can happen. Job losses, smaller take home pay, less spending. NOTHING ELSE CAN HAPPEN! Arguably at this point allowing the sequester to occur accomplishes two major things, one of which is an ideological goal of the Republican party (smaller government or even better for the crazies, collapse of government) and will dump us into a recession or worse, that we will not crawl out of here by the 2014 mid term elections and they think allow a scenario to blame the Republicans.
I don’t know if they are right or they are wrong. I do no that we have a failure of leadership at the very top. When will our President speak the truth with love and call for joint suffering, joint sacrifice in order to save the countries economy to give our kids a chance. When are the Republicans going to join and agree that there need to be more revenues in order to make this happen? When will Simpson Bowles be embraced, not as an answer but only what it is, a seriously good start. These people need to be brought to heel. They need to:
1. If they cannot agree on a “grand bargain” than they need to just cancel the sequester. DO NOT JUST DELAY IT creating another cliff down the road.
2. Fix tax code temporarily raising marginal rates and closing ALL loopholes including perhaps the mortgage interest loophole (classic government picking winners and losers) and eliminate EVERY corporate tax break and give us a much lower corporate rate.
3. Medicaide, medicare AND social security need to have their ages where appropriate indexed up for age before benefits can start. Then they also need to be means tested. If I have 5 million in my retirment account, even though I have paid into the system, I am going to need to give up some of the benefits I have paid in.
4. Healthcare... jeez...I don’t have any ideas about health care. Explain to people that in the last 6 months of our lives. Accoding to CNN “One out of every four Medicare dollars, more than $125 billion, is spent on services for the 5% of beneficiaries in their last year of life.” Mind boggling.
Still, do the first three. I will be sending Clair Mc Caskill, Roy Blunt. You should write these people too. It is time for us to demand that the people we have elected.... govern. That they not make things immediately worse.
ROY BLUNT ( Republican ) (202) 224-5721
CLAIRE MCCASKILL ( Democrat ) (202) 224-6154
506 HART SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510House Of Representatives Currently Representing Webster Groves, MO
WM LACY CLAY ( Democrat ) (202) 225-2406
2418 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington DC 20515-2501
ANN WAGNER ( Republican ) (202) 225-1621
435 Cannon House Office Building, Washington DC 20515-4312
BLAINE LUETKEMEYER ( Republican ) (202) 225-2956
2440 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington DC 20515-2509
In the mean time I am watching Sunday morning TV and seeing the Republicans and Democrats try and set the stage for who to blame and we need to send a very clear message that we the people are going to blame them both. And blame them hard. It will not effect everyone at once but it will immediately effect markets, credit ratings and public confidence. There are bozos on this bus.
I don’t think we can sugar coat it. We will look back on this failure as the beginning of the end for this economy. Only one thing can happen when you cut 85 billion out of defense and entitlements, there is only one thing that can happen. Job losses, smaller take home pay, less spending. NOTHING ELSE CAN HAPPEN! Arguably at this point allowing the sequester to occur accomplishes two major things, one of which is an ideological goal of the Republican party (smaller government or even better for the crazies, collapse of government) and will dump us into a recession or worse, that we will not crawl out of here by the 2014 mid term elections and they think allow a scenario to blame the Republicans.

1. If they cannot agree on a “grand bargain” than they need to just cancel the sequester. DO NOT JUST DELAY IT creating another cliff down the road.
2. Fix tax code temporarily raising marginal rates and closing ALL loopholes including perhaps the mortgage interest loophole (classic government picking winners and losers) and eliminate EVERY corporate tax break and give us a much lower corporate rate.
3. Medicaide, medicare AND social security need to have their ages where appropriate indexed up for age before benefits can start. Then they also need to be means tested. If I have 5 million in my retirment account, even though I have paid into the system, I am going to need to give up some of the benefits I have paid in.
4. Healthcare... jeez...I don’t have any ideas about health care. Explain to people that in the last 6 months of our lives. Accoding to CNN “One out of every four Medicare dollars, more than $125 billion, is spent on services for the 5% of beneficiaries in their last year of life.” Mind boggling.
Still, do the first three. I will be sending Clair Mc Caskill, Roy Blunt. You should write these people too. It is time for us to demand that the people we have elected.... govern. That they not make things immediately worse.
ROY BLUNT ( Republican ) (202) 224-5721
CLAIRE MCCASKILL ( Democrat ) (202) 224-6154
506 HART SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510House Of Representatives Currently Representing Webster Groves, MO
WM LACY CLAY ( Democrat ) (202) 225-2406
2418 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington DC 20515-2501
ANN WAGNER ( Republican ) (202) 225-1621
435 Cannon House Office Building, Washington DC 20515-4312
BLAINE LUETKEMEYER ( Republican ) (202) 225-2956
2440 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington DC 20515-2509
In the mean time I am watching Sunday morning TV and seeing the Republicans and Democrats try and set the stage for who to blame and we need to send a very clear message that we the people are going to blame them both. And blame them hard. It will not effect everyone at once but it will immediately effect markets, credit ratings and public confidence. There are bozos on this bus.