Sooooo...Fall. They say it was on September 22nd, the Equinox but that is clearly wrong and stupid… and wrong. It is not fall until Day Light Savings Time sets the clock back. You revel in sleeping in that morning adoring suddenly the cool crispness of the air. That crisp air of course intellectually advises us that winter is just about here. The intelligent species (old people who have won the Darwinian wars with their peers) are already gone south but we, the stupid, the people with jobs, we shamble along and tell us that “Fall is not so bad!” We exclaim! We smile.
I got up this morning. Cooked a large breakfast, read the paper and went to church and then got some lunch and without realizing it, the day was almost gone Light started waning shortly after the Rams disappoint again. Fall. Dimming light and dimming hope that one can yet escape the bleak cold of a St. Louis Winter and forgot a cruel and beautiful baseball summer. Fall and it’s expectation makes people mad.
"Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress; but I repeat myself."
— Mark Twain
Case in point, the United States Government. Once again, I know I repetitively refer to it as a clown car, but that is because it is… a clown car. The open up the doors of Congress and this unimaginably large number of bozos in brightly colored wigs, red noses come barreling out with their big shoes. And these clowns talk… and talk… and talk. Rarely has so much shit and trash talk come out of Washington in my life. The threaten, they pose and they posture. They assure you that they represent the American people but, don't we all know?

They represent themselves. They represent their family. They represent a perpetuation of their own power and the power of their friends and benefactors. They do it by embodying the simple mindedness that can only come from being a true believer. This is true of the right and of the left. This is true of progressives and conservatives. They cannot see the truth because it is not in their interest to see the truth. It is in their interest to announce loudly simple falsities that satisfy their constituents mind set.
“The Government IS the problem!”
And of course there is truth in that but government also has power to do massive good. But government cannot “fix” anything, but… it is all we got.
And these assholes that we have elected over the past twenty years (arguably my adult life) have severely damaged our democracy and our future. Now granted they inherited a ship which at least since The New Deal has been premised on borrowing from the future or...let’s use another platitude…
Hypothetically we could take the country back and fix it but it would require thinking, balanced people, the reasonable American middle to fight back against the dogmatic, certain SHOUTERS of the right and the left. Make no mistake when our government is pushed to the brink of a shutdown it serves no one more then the Tea Party. They want a government that provides roads, national defense and a minimal police force.
They stand their ground, they don't call 911!
Every time they make all of us question their basic ability to govern they win in further delegitimizing government. It started when they out maneuvered Obama on the sequester. Cuts so drastic and stupid and inelegant that no one could abide in them. But of course, the Tea Party could abide them. More reasonable Republicans in the middle could not but they are now irrelevant. The goal of the Tea party is to destroy government because it cannot be fixed and the goal of the liberal left is to spend it into destruction. Both should be an anathema to reasonable people.
We still sit on the greatest piece of real estate in the world. We still have a fabulous melting pot of people and their progeny who are capable of anything! But we need to bring back the middle. We have to look at other opinions with respect and then win the battle with a sensible way of us all going forward together. It can be done. The return to the middle is possible but damn, it is going to be hard, and it is going to take a long time and it is going to require that we insist on rationale discussion and decision making.
it might require shutting down 24 hour cable news and demagogues on talk radio. I know freedom of speech is the holiest of our constitutional rights. So holy that it is not in the constitution but instead in the First Amendment but holy is holy. It might require us rethinking whether corporations are people (we all know the founders loved the big corporations like the Dutch East India Company. We might also have to reconsider whether money is speech… or speech is speech. But we might not have to do those things if perhaps we could discuss it. I could be wrong and perhaps corporations are indeed people but it would seem to run against everything I have ever learned, but still, I would embrace discussing it.
But we would need to be brave. We would need a leader who was willing to speak the truth and when he tried to lead us down a painful road, we would need the courage not to kick him out for his courage. Here is one example:

1. Entitlements are writing checks we cannot pay. In a growing economy with productive baby boomers we could pretend that there would always be more money...tomorrow and we could spend it today and promise… whatever. This will require sacrifice. It will mean that people who have paid into Social Security will; NOT get the benefits they were promised. But those benefits for our long living generation are MUCH more than they have paid in. So, in short order:
a. raise retirement age to 70. I know none of us wants to work and “The Greatest Generation” (the one who raised us) retired younger and had a retirement house in Florida. We will not be able to do that, or likely to have that and you know what, it is going to suck and it is going to be great too.
b. Means test for the money. I don’t know what the number is but hypothetically people with 50 Million do not need $4,000.00 extra a month to put in the bank and leave to their progeny.
I don’t know what to do after that but I know that is a start which will be hollered about and it will stink and it will not solve the problem, but it will start solving a problem in a sensitive, painful way that perhaps if we had a brave leader he could lead us to brave solutions.
So it is 5:30 and pitch black and these are the types of crazy ramblings that come out of a middle aged man when his fantasy football team is out of contention. I look forward to thinking about other ideas for our new party. A Jack Danforth Republican Party with a Bill Clinton Democratic Party might be a good start.
We can make the middle phat again!