Picking up the pieces. It was commented upon by some alert readers that there was no comment in this space on the recent Imus debacle. There was no comment because this was a non event. A blow hard idiot who is supported by advertising dollars made some totally unacceptable comments about some young women with vicious racial overtones. Everyone is raising the issue of rappers. Rappers? Please. Rappers and their record companies sell directly to consumer. Guys like Imus require advertising dollars on their cable show and you cannot offend broad segments of the population...advertisers get scared.
You cant scare the advertisers. We can forget about whether you ever should do that in any position but in his position you cant. He will go to sattelite, deal directly with consumers and the same close minded people who liked him before will find him again. The whole incident was not nearly as newsworthy as they made it. Hearing that Russel (Def Jam) Simmons convened a hip-hop convention to discuss the issue did nothing to make me feel better. Surprisingly these great minds did not reach a possible solution.
A question. Is the guy (Imus) dehydrated or freeze dried or what? Who looked more like Skeletor? Don Imus or Skeletor? For those of you who do not remember Skeletor...my apologies.

It is not the government or the colleges job to protect people from madmen. I think we are obsessed with being “safe” and “keeping our kids safe.” In fact all these things are used just to scare us into listening and watching. No one is safe from crazy people. Other people cannot keep us and our loved ones safe from crazy people. We cannot do it and the costs we incurr in trying to do so is taking time and resources away from other matters.
Of equal concern is the outpouring of “cheap grief” from people all over the country on the internet and in programs. Our nation seems to have a tremendous need to personalize and own selective tragedies. We share the victims pain, we share the pain belonging to the families and the immediate communit and we make it our own... in a very selective way and I would argue we cheapen it. When it is a tragedy involving children and easy to love people our society led by the media and even my precious NPR glom onto it like vampires.75 Iraquis (that we know about) died that same day. In The Sudan...the same thing. But this strikes a nerve but i wish, I wish we could apply the same angst on a more equal basis. We would all be better people for it.
Perhaps I am way too old. The Facebook thing has created a whole new dimension to college grief with literally hundred of Facebook sites dedicated to those who died, survivors, their families, the school...it went on and on... and our friends in the media have already started mining it for new angles on a tragedy. Today they were airing this guys last rantings and ravings for all the world to see. Likely just what the kid wanted. Wonder how I would feel if I lost a kid there and then got the opportunity to see this. Apalling.


His last book a man without a country was anti war diatribe that spoke to me in ways that made me tear up at time. He had not released a book in 6 years and was tired, sick and old... but he had to rant one more time against the hypocrac and God Bless him for it. Released in the middle of 2005 Vonnegut once again and finally ahead of his time. He will be missed and like all really great writers will not be replaced, only remembered and hopefully appreciated.
It has been noted that to date I have strayed from Diner reviews. I promise to get...back to basics.
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