Sure my first diner list was good but we need something more substantive. Something that every diner can use to grade and guide his experience. Once again I feel the need to ask all of you to help me out with things I am missing. I hold these things out, not as comprehensive but towards compiling such a list...as a matter of public service.
1. Visible Grill Area (VGA): This is important for “authenticity” (see item 20 below) because of course, in sight it must be right. Steak n Shake...if they cared about breakfast would still be a great diner. You want to see what there doing. You want to see what they grease the grill with. Is the bacon precooked? What the hell are they doing with my hash browns. Lots of kitchens turn out excellent food but...daddy likes the VGA.
2. Counter: The existence of the counter used to be directly related to the VGA but no more. Many, many places have counters and stools along with a kitchen. (see Dennys). The counter is important because even though I rarely sit at one they offer the place for the colitary diner to come in, read a paper and become as involved as he or she might want to be with another diner. lack of a counter makes any establishment’s dining cred “sketchy”.
3. Jukebox: This is an add on but an excellent touch. It is important to have the option of music if you need it. Free Bird in the morning can really take the edge off a hangover. You can certainly do without a juke box but... why not have one?
4. Calendar (how many?): William Least Heat Moon in his book “Blue Highways” made this a consideration. His theory in traveling the country was that the diner with the most calendars showed that it had a good local clientele. Any establishment would post the calendar of any hardware store or insurance agent who provided one for them. it shows good local color and loyalty of patronage.
5. Hashbrowns: Should I need to discuss hash browns anymore? Nope. They are critical. They must be shredded...not chpped. Not the hated "breakfast potatos" but shredded and preferably pressed down into something patty like. Lightly browned Golden. perfect. Like Christmas.
6. Cream Gravy: Cream gravy is important. You need it on a country fried steak. You like to have the option to pour it over your sausage and/or your hashbrowns. I like to cut up my hashbrowns and sausage and cover them in gravy...then cut them up some more. But you need good gravy. Not white paste. Slightly off white in color (due to bacon grease) with some sausage or ham chunks in it...a meal in itself.
7. Pancakes: Too fat? Too thin? How many? Blueberries? (for god sake I hope not if they are out of season). Should syrup be a separate item? These are important questions and well...pancake quality matters.
8. Sausage: Sausage is imortant in a real and metaphysical way. It can be hot, spicy, mild, sage.... almost anything. In it’s worse form it is generic Bob Evans or Oscar Mayer. A really good place makes their own or orders their own...most of the time these places are in rural areas but...always worth finding. pork sausage is what is doctrinally correct.
9. Bacon: What do you do...what can you do without quality bacon? Nothing! Bacon is the anchor around which all breakfast reside. You can (and I often do) have breakfast without bacon but why would you? Bacon is key. Good bacon...a hot griddle and perhaps one of those metal presses that you lay on top of the bacon in order to fry it evenly AND press it flat. Do not under estimate the importance of evenly cooked...flat bacon. I do not like fancy bacon. I am suspicious of hickory smoked bacon and of course thick bacon, though a clever anomoly is simply uneeded.
10. Coffee: I do not love coffee...not my area... but all of that having been said it is a lot to expect decent coffee at a diner. It sits for a long time on a hot plate...it is made irregularly...sometimes it is cooked....like tar...anyway...i don’t give a shit.
Iced Tea: I AM however an iced tea nazi. If they are not making tea on a regular basis and vertainly fresh tea at 6:00 A.M. every morning it is not worht talking about. Additionally...if they have flavored tea....it is unforgivable. the tea should be black tea but the closer it is to Lipton...the better.

11. Service: there has to be some expectation that service should be indifferent at best. be suspicious of too good of service but there is no reason to be forgiving of bad service...indifferent...that would be the key.
12. Chili (Slingers): It seems like a must to have Chili. It is preferable if they have chili like God intended...without beans but also the bean filled chili for the infidels. the chile can be eaten by itself with cheese crackers and onions in a bowl...it can be eaten on top of hash browns, it can be eaten in a variety of forms with spaghetti noodles and of course it can be made into a slinger. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinger
13. Butter or dreaded butter “substitute”: Although i rail against the butter substitute I believe it is the norm for diners.
Stools: Silver stainless steel base with a round pleather top. The top should hopefully be red or black. The stools should line the counter and over look the grill. This is most certainly true.
14. Booths: You almost GOTTA have booths. there is something about the lack of comfort afforded by a booth. The bumping of knees and the close quarters. Where do put a coal in a booth? A diner without booths although possibly not morally wrong is certainly doctrinally incorrect. be careful of these places that label themselves “diners” but lack booths.
Pricing: It should be cheap. But what can you do? Good food costs.
15. Location: You cannot tuck a diner just anywhere. Though a strip mall...if seedy enough is always appropriate you cannot be in a mall out lot. You cannot be in a really good neighborhood. Free standing is good. Near a highway...better. In a lot of ways the worse the neighborhood...the better.
16. Authenticity: This is tricky...and it is up to the eye of the beholder. But you know what I mean. Is it authentic? Is it a real diner? Do real people eat there or is just a bastion of West County or a refuge for faux hipsters slumming it?
Can you get a beer? I mean seriously...if you really need one. This is of course only really applicable to your bar/diner... but seriously...they are the best anyway. And also...seriously...and respectfully....is there ANYTHING better then nursing a hangover with a bottle of Busch and breakfast? I think not my friend...I think not.
17. Bathroom? Do they have one? Do they have two? Are they filthy? Do you have to go through the kitchen to get it? Do they regularly refill the toilet paper? Have people gotten sick in there in the last 24 hours? Did anyone make ANY effort to clean it up.

18. Hot Sauce: Availability and selection. Although not important to me I seem to spend too much time with people who put hot sauce on everything...including gravy. It is good if they have more then typical hot sauce showing some character and discernment by the owner.
19 Cigarette Machine: I don’t smoke, I don’t like cigarette smoke but how the hell do you know that you have been having breakfast unless you leave stinking of cigarette smoke. It is appalling but...it really is important to have a cigarette machine. If one of the patrons has to go to a gas station to get his cigs...well how does that make him feel. The non smoking diner is the faux diner. People who work for a living smoke. People who smoke need cigarettes. Do you follow me?
So do we grade these things on a 1-3 scale, 1-5 scale, 1-10 scale? I need some input here. Are there items I am forgetting? Once again...how about some input...some thoughtfulness...something from the 8 of you who occasionally read this. Do something for God sakes...eventually even I had to move out of my parents basement.