Joe Biden? All of these calls for change and he delivers Joe Biden? Joe Biden could not transcend a church bake sale much less transcend politics. He is a well vetted, old school politician. I guess he was chosen because:
1. He is old (65).
2. He supposedly has meaningful foreign policy experience (based on his tenure on foreign relations committee).
Who cares? I thought we were voting for change and for hope. Instead we got a guy who has been around the block so many times he has to be dizzy. Nothing against Biden. He is a proven public servant, he has a consistently liberal voting record, he is supposedly a Roman Catholic (and now we will need to suffer through whether his Priest is going to have to stop administering the sacraments to him because his abortion track record). He seems like a nice guy. He has suffered tragedy in the death of wife and some children in a car accident. he has suffered scandal through his alleged plagiarism in law school which caused him to drop out of a Presidential race 20 years ago. He seems like a nice guy.
Soooo what? He is part of a system that we ALL (Republicans, Democrats, Liberals and Conservatives) are sick of. he is too imbedded in that system to be saved. He has a voting record which will be pounded and pounded and pounded. He is a long winded, grandiloquent speaker who many of his colleagues deem a blow hard. Because he goes on and on he has said MANY questionable things which Mc Cain’s people will have a field day with. He has hair plugs i think as he has stopped balding rather abruptly and of course in the debates he said Obama was not ready to be President.
My main problem though is not the choice of Biden but the choice of Biden along with Obama’s campaign and their business as usual approach to politics. When he went to Hawaii and Mc Cain ran a few negative adds and his poll numbers dropped he had an opportunity to say:
“My opponent has gone negative but I will not do it. This campaign is not about what a bad leader John Mc Cain would be. He would be an excellent leader. He loves our country but he is not the right man for this time. I AM.”
And he is a good enough speaker and has a strong enough personality that he could of gotten away with it. Instead we have this thing about Mc Cain’s houses. Seriously, if someone would have asked me that, and i had several houses, I would have stumbled too. It is an asinine question. A gotcha question and EVERYONE should ignore the question, castigate (or castrate) the questioner and ignore any answer. It was just wrong for Obama to hit this and once again it is business as usual. Mc Cain never promised us change so I don’t begrudge him this pettiness, but Obama could have really made a difference and he is proving that he is going to deliver a very predictable product that varies little from what we have been suffering through since LBJ. Who would of ever thought I would hold up that Texas Nazi as our last great social change President but.... there it is. His “Great Society” really changed some things... for a while.
I will still vote for Barrack. At least he can speak and I have already tired of Mc Cain’s “well my friend” attacks and i have to think as President he would be a nightmare. But I will mourn Obama, this election and this lost opportunity to alter our national destiny and reclaim the greatness of the vision that is America. Obama/Biden. Yawn.
If I am Mc Cain I pick Genral Petraus and run totally on the national defense issue. If he picks Lieberman it will look like a bad re remake of Grumpy Old Men.
God save us because these guys clearly will not.
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