Sarah Palin is, I have decided, the Stepford Veep. She at any point might be capable of talking about cookie recipes and how much she loves the “first dude” her husband, “the world champion snow machine racer”. We have not seen her family since the beginning which is fine but they have kept a tight, tight lid on her and for good reason. She is a VERY limited talent and very limited intellect.
She would rock a school board and clearly rocked a small town and then amidst the moral collapse of Alaska rocked “The Largest State In The Union” (population about 670,000. She has appeared with Mc Cain supposedly because he “likes the crowds she draws” but really because she cannot hack it alone. her two solo appearances with fairly kind hosts have been embarrassing between her not knowing answers on one hand and not answering questions on the other. They have tried to school her but it is a lot to be brought up to date about your lifetime of American history and politics in a week or two.
She does not play that well among anyone but the solid, Christian Democratic base that Mc Cain used to so enjoy fighting and made people like me like him. This sidling up to them has “energized” that base but seriously, where would they go. And she will alienate almost everyone else. She cannot do anything else. I saw her on Fox and she just kept babbling that she and Mc Cain as a team would be ready to serve and ready and they were ready and would be ready and I thought she was going to short circuit and her head was going to explode. Which frankly was as good as she got.
She looks ill prepared. She seems preachy, judgmental and mean. She looks like she will be a massive divider of our country which is already massively divided by the Bush administration. All in all, she seems like my perfect nightmare. the good news is that unless America cannot elect a black man, she is the death nell of the Mc Cain ticket. Imagine a 72 year old president with her being a heartbeat, his cancerous old heartbeat, away from ultimate power.
The problem she has among others is that the way she has carried herself and carried the attack and stuck to her guns despite of the facts (Bridge to nowhere) and promised to cooperate with an investigation she is now stonewalling (troopergate) it is too easy to see her as an angry, vengeful, hateful chief executive. Who DO we want answering the phone at 3:00 A.M. when there is an emergency? Not her. She would nuke them in a heartbeat and have no understanding what it even meant. And her husband. Who is he anyway? The first dude? I get the feeling he will not be going to the Alaska Oil fields for 6 months and i also guess he will not be the primary care giver for Trig and the girls. Where is he?
So ask yourself, why won’t they let her out of the box? they say it is because the media, the liberal media, the mainstream media, the devils tool media will not treat her with the correct deference and respect. Every person needs respect but we expect the media to tell us about this person and to show her to us. That is what the media does. And do you think they are going to deferential like Putin might be. They should show us what she has got if she is “ready to lead”.
While the economy thrashes and they try and make this personal, the American public is going to start truly suffering. And the republicans are on their way out, unless all those nice liberal white folks cannot really vote for a black man. In that case I will be truly, truly scared and i will say a prayer for John Mc Cain’s health every night. because if they are keeping this tight a lid on her, she must be much worse then even I imagine.
Our old friends at the Onion had this.
I do believe she will be the butt of every joke. If they love her so much in Alaska, then help me. Send her back.
1 comment:
OMG, did you check this out:
"Et tu, Palin!" at its best
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