Empire is in the middle of Sleeping Bear Dunes National Park and has a huge public beach that is pretty sweet. Long story short is that we ate 5 burgers and they were unremarkable. They were of medium thickness and we had a number of incarnations from cheeseburger to bacon cheeseburger to BBQ bacon cheeseburger. They did not ask how you wanted it cooked. All were medium well ad of that middle thickness we do not see too much of in the Lou. At home the burgers are squashed flat like the Steak n Shake/Carls burger or served fat like Blueberry Hill or O'Connells. This burger was an inferior and unloved version of The Village Bars version. We were underhwhelmed. Nothing wrong with these burgers but nothing memorable and certainly nothing that would lead to any "world's best" appellation. How about "Northwest Michigan's" Best? I could buy that.
Which brings us to another general point. Northern Michigan Cuisine is...wanting. People rave about places. Fine food, diners, roadhouses, breakfasts etc... I discussed it with the sometimes brilliant Tim Tiemann and sold him on the idea that food up here was like food in Germany. There was nothing great about it but also nothing abominable. It is not as bad as English food (an atrocity) but is certainly no France or Italy. In short, when dining here I surprisingly find the camp food at Arcadia as good as anything I can find in restaurant up here. Maybe I am wrong. Sue me.

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