Now it is Homecoming at Lutheran High South (Lancers 41, Kennedy 7) and my daughter is at home with what appears to be swine flu. I have mowed the lawn, bought her movies, fried a pound of bacon for my sons who are home from college, missed going to "Where The Wild Things Are" with them and am awaiting the delivery of some chik-fil-et nuggets from my son who went to the Apple Store as i watch bad movies with my daughter. It leaves a Diner Reviewer with time on his hands.

I have missed fall. Between the crappy weather, my wife being out of town, on line poker and bad television...I have not been able to get out and really enjoy the rain and grayness. The leaves... the leaves are starting to pour down. It is cold. I am still needing just a little transition between the 80's and the 40's yet even as i watch Florida take the lead over Arkansas and further cement their title hopes I remain buoyant in spirit. So you too should not lose faith or hope. In the coming weeks the Diner Review will be:
Reviewing the Rooster Downtown
Delving into the First Amendment (but not testing it)
Discussing this concept of "The Greatest Generation"
Thinking about some new music
Considering some concert reviews
Perhaps even more. But in the meantime just a few overly intellectualized introspections on some current events.
1. The Cardinals: Very Sad
2. Barrack Obama and The Nobel Prize: Seriously, you know I like the guy but who gives a shit?
3. Rush Limbaugh being an owner then non owner of the Rams: Seriously, you know I do not like the guy but who gives a shit.
4. Healthcare: You cannot fix this system without tearing it down. This is a huge mistake that will make everyone unhappy. No one will try and reform healthcare again. It is the death call of anyone's political career. Too bad because it is obviously a hopelessly screwed up system that has delivered us fantastic, high quality and unbelievably expensive.
5. The economy is not recovering for main street and our friends who propped up the money center banks are going to let a lot of our local banks fail... and that is a disaster for you, me and small business and will further centralize wealth and if we are not successful in finding a way... further ferment the revolution. That is bad.
6. The Tea Party People are crazy BUT all of us have a reason to be be very concerned about the direction of our country but seriously, blaming this particular administration, or the last one, or the one before that...pointless.
I think that is it. Later this week...the greatest generation gets theirs.
1 comment:
Rooster is quite good, but not a diner.Schnietohorst is not a diner, but has good sausage gravey. Best outdoor breakfast is Koppermans, but food is not great breakfast food, majestic is good outddor breakfast but all else is awful. Healthcare is doomed cause all want the triple bypass, elective spleen transplant but fuck everyone else, and really, extraordinary care should be based somewhat on contribution, but if i get another person's family who walks in my offfice whose loved one died in the er waiting room waiting for service a simple ab could have fixed some days before, dunno. A triple by pass with probably is not a "right" but on the other hand, basic primary care surely should be. It is the gray area where the debate lingers for this one. Also, too many doctors are arrogant pricks who are about half as smart as they think they are. That said, many are compassionate people who wnat to hela others. A conundrum, espcecially when those folks intersect.
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