1. Pork Fest is a stupid tradition. It started from our families way of showing affection (bacon) perhaps with Patrick waking up and smelling bacon and floating (as only a Pat can float) and singing "baaaaaaaacon!" Also the obvious downer of having a child come down the steps, not smelling the bacony goodness and asking questioningly... "bacon?" All bad. Pork Fest has recently involved the Kuklas. Though some question their commitment to pork, unhealthy eating, gorging yourself and sloth in general, they humor us. Sometimes they bring fruit. In any case a minimum of two pounds and more likely three pounds of pork will be cooked and consumed. An attempt will be made to make hash browns. It will fail. I got sick two days ago and was worried that I should not make other people sick so we cancelled the Kukla's this year but now am on the mend and plan on infecting other people with whatever wasting intestinal disease I had. Should be a party.
2. Almost done raking leaves this year.
3. I am contemplating downloading some of the Nivana I never really go into at the appropriate time. I am embarrassed about this. It is not the thing you should admit in your Blog. Just my opinion.

5. Pork Fest was a success and my daughter decided to be funny referring to my wife as "Judy Attitudy".
6. Thanksgiving always means that i need to start writing the Christmas letter. It seems exhausting to think up anything clever, or bitter about what has been a nice calm year. Perhaps if I have something bad happening to me I could get creative... on the other hand my children might be counted on to help out with something of their own to spur a little angst. It has happened before.
7. The movie "Home Alone" does not hold up to repeated watching.
So what are we thankful for on this Thanksgiving of 2009? I am thankful generally to be here. I am thankful to have my children home as I know every year might be the last year when everyone is home and wakes up here and does not have obligations. Sandy and I take it for granted that life is just like this on the holidays and we have the kids here hanging out and it is just our right. The fact is that it is not and it is a huge blessing on this or any other holiday. Who would have ever thought I would take so much pleasure in the company of my children. A blessed life indeed. Now there is nothing else to do but sit around and watch foot ball and wait for this evenings feast.
Happy Thanksgiving from The St. Louis Diner Review!
Dear Sir,
This is THE WORST blog entry you have ever written.
First, the Lions-Packers game is certainly not about the skill or discipline of the two teams, but a time honored tradition for us to come together and watch and complain and cry such and such. Around Detroit, we have become good at bonding over our own embarassment.
The movie Home Alone plays a huge roll in the lives of the childhood friends. We quote it, we live by it. Retract your slanderous statement.
Appreciate the kids being around for the holidays. I worked all day on Thanksgiving and throughout this weekend, spending only a few minutes on the phone with family.
I too enjoy watching portions of the Godfather marathon. THis comment alone has made me decide to continue following your blog.
Me thinks that perhaps this comment is correct and perhaps, perhaps the late Mc Cauley Caulkin (he is dead isn't he?) Did a much better job in Home Alone then I gave him credit for. I believe the main problem I had with the movie was that the villians really did not hold up. The Childhood friends are likely only enamored of the film due to their desire to be the older brother Buzz.
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