Soooo.... THE GROUND ZERO MOSQUE HAS PUBLISHED IT'S PLANS FOR LOWER MANHATTAN! It looks like the thing will take up about 20 square blocks with minarets extending up to the exact height of the downed World Trade Center. Residents will be forced to listen to the call for prayer 5 times a day and all women in lower Manhattan will be required to wear burqas. Liberal Democratic Progressive Mayor Michael Bloomberg is considering making the area a Moslem Principality and installing Sharia as "the law of the land". Hand less small children (shoplifters) are expected to over run the unaffected portions of Manhattan and the other 5 boroughs and between beheading and stoning of adulterers in the area the local health care systems and morgues are projected to be totally overwhelmed. The HUGE facility will be used for the training and encouragement of terrorists and the planning of the killings of Americans. it is projected that there will be large diamond vision screens showing the towers falling repeatedly, mocking the 2000 American dead under a constant barrage of millions of united, angry voices screaming ALLUAH AKBAR!
"The Ground Zero Mosque" is not at ground zero, nor is it what must of us infidels would think of as a Mosque. According to Hendrik Herzbergh of The New Yorker (Main Stream media) the building will be on Park Place, about two blocks from the site of the tragedy. It will not be visible from the site of the World trade center. The development, known as Park-51 will include a large prayer room (I guess that qualifies as a mosque), classrooms, a swimming pool and an auditorium as well as (misguidedly in my mind) a 9-11 Memorial. It sounds kind of like a Y.M.C.A. and evidently Jews and Christians will be welcome. The developers are a husband and wife from Kuwait who have lived in our country for 30 years.
Evidently the further you are from this development (and logically less likely to deal with it, be confronted by it or have repercussions from the "sort of people" it might attract) the more you object to it. The local counsel for lower Manhattan voted for it 29-1. The New Yorker alleges that Manhattan is for the project, Staten Island against it but what is important is that we all listen to the opinions of Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin who oppose it vigorously. Our President felt obligated to weigh in on behalf of the Mosque saying all kinds of self righteous proclamations at a White House Feast celebrating the end of Ramadan. I was kind of shocked by that personally but I am told there is some past history of this. Still, Barack dropped the ball here by allowing this battle rise to a Presidential forum. Lets let the New Yorker's and their elected leaders take care of New York's hallowed ground. This is not a national referendum. this is people playing politics with the tragic, tragic memories of that national trauma known as 9-11.
I have an opinion on this, only because it has been elevated to a national conversation. At this point the building should not be built there because of the uninformed public outcry that has been whipped up. It has become another divisive issue so, if I were the developer I would use it as a platform to say, "I respect that some people view this building as an offense. I respectfully disagree and think you should consider whether these are the values of a great and free country". Then I might also ask, how far is far enough? 3 blocks? A Mile? Do we really want to bar mosques being built anywhere? Those are more interesting questions but please, think about this a little before you get righteous indignation up on wither side of the discussion (argument).
I live in the midwest. I believe it is the best part of the country with some of the best people in the world. BUT, the anger and stupidity of these arguments is a hateful comment on our ability to personalize every decision as one that effects AND offends us. When did it become so dishonorable to act with honor and courtesy towards others, and their ideas, and play nice. Didn't we learn that in kindergarten? If not why not...oh I know, we did not learn it because lazy, liberal teachers and their unions promote mediocrity and DUMB DOWN OUR KIDS! Ooops... did it again.
1 comment:
This is a simple one: 1.the terrorists attacked because they hate our freedom (and presumably want to make off with it). 2.For Palin et al our greatest freedom (other than bearing arms) would be religious expression. 3. To deny the muslims from building the manhatten mosque would seem to take away our freedom. Thus, they won. THis is like Douglas Adams' Babel Fish logic game.
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