First Published in 1964 (drawing in large numbers on the chalkboard 1-9-6-4) by “Shel” (smirking at his name) Silverstein (drawing on the board in small but insistent letters (them what killed our Lord) a noted cartoon pornographer, well known for his drawings for PLAYBOY (writing PORNO) in frighteningly large letters on black board, Silverstein penned the tome was published by Harper Brothers publishing which was of course formed in 1817 exactly 100 years prior to the time of the Bolscheveik Revolution (writing “Commies” in cursive). The publishing company now owned by genius philanthropist and all around nice guy and former Australian Rupert Murdoch who purchased it likely to keep it from being a mouthpiece for communist ideals.
That the book was published in 1964 is of course… no accident. The book was a direct response to the Glorious announcement of Barry Goldwater that he was going to run for President and was timed to coincide with Socialist Sympathizer Lyndon Baines Johnsons “War on Poverty”. (Writing the word “conspiracy” with big question mark behind it). I say conspiracy because that is not all that happened in 1964. No there was a LOT of things going on in 1964...*starting to write on the board with much agitation*..."Let me list a few of the "coincidences from NINE TEEN SIXTY FOUR!
1. The U.S. Senate votes cloture of the Civil Rights Bill after a 75-day filibuster.
2. President Lyndon Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1964 into law, abolishing racial segregation in the United States.
3. The Final Looney Tune, "Señorella and the Glass Huarache", is released before the Warner Bros. Cartoon Division is shut down by Jack Warner.
4. The Warren Commission Report, the first official investigation of the assassination of United States President John F. Kennedy, is published. and most ominously!
5. American civil rights movement leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. becomes the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, which was awarded to him for leading non-violent resistance to end racial prejudice in the United States.

Life is full of coincidences... for idiots!
The book itself shrouds its message in an apparently innocuous tale of a small boy and a tree. The boy appears as a metaphor for the solid American boys everywhere espousing values of consumerism and adventure (an exceptional American) and the tree, innocently enough appears to give, over and over again (in a thinly veiled tribute to the socialist goals for the American State.) Lets look more closely at the text.
Originally the boy is happy. he loves the tree and the tree loves the boy... but sooner or later the boy wants money. *drawing hastily a tree with dots on it signifying apples...a big bushy tree with branches and huge trunk. The boy wants to be self reliant. The boy wants to learn how to fish. But what does the insidious tree (The centrally planned Obama State of the Progressives do?) it offers it's apples. Sapping the boy of all ingenuity and self reliance it gives him apples like the socialist Obama State gives food stamps.*Taking eraser and dabbing at each dot as he speaks until there is no more apparent fruit on the tree*.
No one can be surprised when this is not enough for the boy. now that he has been weened onto the teat of the socialist State he is...yes...ENTITLED to more.
He comes back...after a LONG time. And not surprisingly he is unhappy. VERY unhappy. he needs more and what does he need? Housing. Sewing the seeds section 8 housing the socialist State tree gives the poor boy it's branches so he can build a house Boy takes branches this is of course a veiled referenced to the for seen Sudanese crisis of gathering firewood but then...he just needed tree subsidized housing and then he would be happy. BUT HE WAS NOT HAPPY! *angrily erasing the branches and leaves off of the tree leaving a fat telephone pole of a naked tree trunk*.
The boy comes back again after a very long time and the socialist State Obama Tree tries to inveigle him with "come and play". The boy of course having been robbed of his self reliance and instincts needs more support. Now he takes the trunk so that he can build a boat. Likely a boat so that he can trade in the one world economy dominated by the United Nations! And the boy takes the trunk... the wood he did not work or sweat for and so could not appreciate and builds a boat to sail away and perhaps do trade deals with the Chinese. Who knows... we are only left to speculate. What is clear is that boy likely took good jobs overseas while letting immigrants take the jobs back here in our country. he might have even fathered an anchor baby. Who knows...who knows indeed? *sadly and slowly erasing the trunk down to a stump*
Finally the boy comes home again. Broken...sad and lonely.
I don't need very much now," said the boy,
"Just a quiet place to sit and rest. I am very tired."
"Well," said the tree, straightening herself up as much as she could,
"Well, an old stump is good for sitting and resting. Come, Boy, sit down. Sit down and rest."
And the boy did.
And the tree was happy.
And here is the final lie. Even after the tree has totally robbed the boy of everything...the tree is not happy but is satisfied, now that the boy has no life, no dreams and no hope...he can just sit and be a further drain on society and the socialist state tree comforts him and lets the poor "tired" child who has never worked for anything..."rest".
The over arching message is that the progressive Agenda provides everything. Individuals need do nothing but sit and make demands and wait to be provided for. *tearing up*..."I promised myself I would not cry but...*the camera panning out*...I just cannot live with what they have done...through this sick little book...to our children. *Panning in directly on my face as I boil into righteous...teary rage*...
So go into your house and get that book and BURN IT! Write your school boards and principals and demand that the book be removed...and burned...BURNED like a Koran or Quoran! Burn the book and keep it away from our kids... for their sake...for all our sakes! Do it now...oh....and buy gold."
Tune in tomorrow when we unmask the progressive homosexual agenda of "James And The Giant Peach"! Oh The Humanity.
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