1. A culture of anger encourages anger and feelings of helplessness which can lead to violence. Somehow we have confused having a “voice” in government with having the right to always have our way. With demagogues on talk radio and cable 24 hours a day getting ratings through inciting feeling of anger and disenfranchisement in people, can we expect reasoned discourse? You can be angry about big government but should we not be encouraged to feel blessed to live in this country. Lucky? Blessed? Maybe even, God forbid, thankful? How about for those of us who try and be Christians...grace filled?
2. We, the safest, most peaceful country on earth have enshrined gun ownership and being armed as the most important right we have as citizens. Only one question... why? I am only 49 years old but once I got past middle school I cannot think of the last time I have felt physically threatened. Nor do I have the feeling that the government is encroaching on me in a way that requires me to arm myself. Ever. Even when W. was expanding Presidential power exponentially with a “unified executive” theory I did not feel the need to lock and load.
So, another politician shot when trying to spend time with their constituents. How long till they all have to ride around in Pope mobiles and standing behind bullet proof screens when speaking to
us. The best answer is that we all need to go through screening before speaking to a politician but once again that would not be needed but for our infantile, fanatic, fetish regarding hand guns and the RIGHT to carry a concealed weapon (where is that in the constitution exactly?). I really am fine with everyone having a rifle, or even a shot gun. I have the chance to see you coming. When you walk up to someone and reach into your pocket for your Glock, you are not exercising a right. You are a terrorist. Aren’t we in a declared “war” against those people?
Perhaps the President should declare a day of prayer. A day for all Americans to take a significant amount of time to sit down and pray to God for Peace and reconciliation. Civil discourse. Thoughtful discourse. It could happen here but we have to start by demanding it. And by tuning out the haters. They have nothing to add to the conversation but fear and anger and that is when any group of people do stupid things.
Now a few days later it is clear. This guy is mentally ill. You cannot blame it on rhetoric or politics or anything else. Still I would like to see our country pull back from from our sick fascination with hand guns. Let everyone have shot guns and rifles (I would still shy away from machine guns), we can see those coming but handguns, they are for killing people.
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