Soooo... I am a pinko. I voted for our current President. I am happy John Mc Cain is not our President and happy Sarah Palin is not our Vice president. Not thrilled, but happy. I painted a lot of childish hopes on this President and he has not fulfilled those hopes but it was not fair to expect that anyone could transcend the partisan miasma that national politics has become. I have gotten over it. I knew he was left with a mess and that he was just a man. I believed our nation had been pulled to the right through 16 years of Clinton/Bush I thought we could be brought back towards the middle.
Instead he galvanized the far right and every election, every discussion is a suicide mission for them. And he has, despite everything ushered our nation further to the right. Less tolerant. More selfish. Less free. Still I appreciated the thoughtful tone he brought to discussions. the reasoned cadence in mad throng.
That having been said I was sickened by his recent attack or at least questioning of the Supreme Court when they were considering the healthcare issue. Granted, I dislike this dogmatic Court. I believe them to be small minded and fully agendaized with kind of a cheap nod towards “original intent” which is one of the most asinine concepts ever foisted on the American people. No one can agree on what the government’s intent was 10 years ago, much less 200 years ago. Certainly Scalia politicized the conversation making it clear this law sucked and he was going to find a way to tear it down, and not a piece at a time but in one fell swoop. That was wrong. It is wrong for Justices to clearly wear ideology on their sleeve and it takes all questions on independance out of the system. Decisions are pre-ordained and pre-judged before they ever arrive and that is sad.
That having been said Obama sank to their level when he attempted to rile up public opinion against the Court. It was like he was trying to incite a mob. It is totally inappropriate for a President to comment on, question and try and bully the Court while a decision is being argued and considered. I demeans the Court, it demeans our system of checks and balances, demeans the President and demeans our country. We deserve better from the President. But in our current climate, everyone plays to their base conventions, common courtesy, history and statesmanship be damned. I do believe these people we have entrusted our political system to are unworthy of their positions and I fear they will incite the people to tear it down.
These are your happy thoughts for the day.