Saturday, October 13, 2012

Fall Recap: Kozmapolis!

Sooooo....mid October.  I always get a little maudlin when I look out my bathroom window and the pool is closed.  I had not noticed it before today.  Maybe it has been closed for a day, maybe a week.  It is dark when I am in the bathroom in the morning.  It is dark when i am in the bathroom in the evening.  Life is dark this time of year.  Daylight Savings will be happening soon but I have never understood it.  Anyway, the pool closing is of course a metaphor... for something.

I got my son married a few weeks ago to a woman who I can happily put in the category of my mother, my wife and my daughter and that is some pretty good company.  I feel blessed by that.  She is also nice to be and tolerant of me.  BONUS!  Last Sunday when they were returning from their honeymoon I thought we had lost their cat but that will be another story. #mydaywasruined.

Watching Mizzou early in the game and it looks like are going to get predictably destroyed by Alabama.  We are soon to leave on a "Pub Crawl for a Cure" with our friends the Bentzingers for the benefit of some of our friends families who have lost loved ones to cancer.  It should be a good distraction from the Mizzou game.

Last night the Cardinals came back late and continued their improbable season.  They back into the new wildcard position.  They knock of Atlanta in one game play off.  Then after leading the Nationals in the NLDS 2-1 the drop the 4th game and are trailing the 5th game 6-0 after two innings.  All they did was scratch back and on the last pitch of a full count with two outs in the ninth, score two runs with a walk off Kozma single.  Kozma is setting himself up to be this years David Friese and there is something about these Cardinal teams in October that is really something to see.  We of course are dreaming of a back to back World Championship either against the Yankees or the Tigers. Either would be epic.  The Rams play tomorrow.  3-2 against the Dolphins and it feels like the most wonderful time of the year.  First NLCS game against the Giants tomorrow night at 7.

I am backing (starting) an effort to rename St. Louis Kazmapolis.  Join me.

So, I don't think we can be too maudlin this fall.  God is good.  Balls are in the air whether they are being hit, kicked or thrown and life is good.

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