Soooo...I arrived at the beautiful Dublin airport to meet my daughter. It had not been a bad plane ride over once we got on a new (unbroken) airplane. On the trip over I was sitting with a very pleasant guy who lived in Dublin who as he was telling me about (it was 90% unintelligible to me because of his accent and because I am old) Dooblin just kept saying it like that and so… so did I. I originally was supposed to arrive an hour before my daughter who was meeting me there from Cambridge but with my flight delay I texted her and she said she would find me. I cleared customs quickly and easily and when I came out, she was not there. Moments like this are when I realize that my wife does everything and that I am (at best) a parasite that lives on her gifts for organization and planning. Conversely my daughter is half me. We were going to meet each other. How hard could that be, in a foreign airport… where your phones don’t work? My first temptation was to call my wife… she could sort it out from 5000 miles away...right? I turned on my phone hoping against hope for free WiFi and VIOLA! I texted her. She was in the wrong terminal at arrivals. She found me in 5 minutes.
We went to get our rent a car and ended up with a slightly used Renault. I had the sense to get an automatic transmission figuring driving on the wrong side of the road would be challenge enough (which, by the way I was correct about). My daughter had been responsible for making our accommodations (when it was clear i would not be) and she sensibly found us a room for about 100 bucks a night which I didn't think was too bad. What she had not realized was that it was as far from Dublin proper as say… Chesterfield is to downtown St. Louis. Oh well. We were staying in a place called Balbriggan which I quickly stopped trying to say, instead referring to it as Bilbobaggins. It was 20 minutes from the airport and I will once again defer to another time to describe driving there which for my jet lagged ass could best be described as…”horrific” and for my poor daughter…”more so”.
We finally screamed in Balbriggan with my mirror clipping the mirror of a parked car. I was of course pleased that the thump was not me hitting a warm body. We swung into the garage attached to the hotel and garages are a challenge just like the road because you must… keep to the left. But we parked and found our way into the hotel which was pleasant. Were able to check in quickly and I was able to grab an Irish Times and we retired to a reasonably comfortable adequately priced room. It would be a fine base of operations. We discussed the options for getting to Dublin and we were assured the train station was a 5 minute walk and so… we were off!
Walking to the train station we purchased tickets round trip without incident. One of the interesting things about Ireland is that unlike England they have adopted the Euro. I had the foresight before I left to go to US Bank in Clayton and get a couple of hundred dollars of the currency which is always worth more than a $1.50 but less than $2.00 in my limited experience. You can use most ATM cards to get dollars but there are fees involved and there is always something to be said for landing with walking around money. The train station in Bilbraggin is on high ground looking down on a huge beach which is kind of in a bay which leads to a little channel. Tide was out and there were a bunch of boats just sitting on the ground in the dry channel. In Europe, the trains run on time and ours showed up pretty quickly and we hopped on and headed south. The train tracks had a reasonable amount of time on the coast where I guess you overlook the “Sea of Man” which in retrospect seems rather pretentious or perhaps even ominous. In any case, a lovely train ride, 20-30 minutes landed us in Town Center. Both cities I was in identified the downtown area as “Town Center” and signs would direct you there which was helpful in each case. Laura had found us a map and since our phones didn't work she was our navigator.
Then we walked. What a nice, beautiful, friendly, attractive interesting town. Once again speaking some semblance of English is awesome and we were able to ask stupid questions and get patient answers. Even though the iPhones did not work we could use free WiFi in abundance to look up and find our way to our next stop. Over the two days we visited a lot of places.
From my perspective they had great shopping. For me that generally means Cigar stores ( for Cubans) and cheese mongers (for all varieties of cheese). We did not want to do too much on the first day so we just bummed around. We walked by the Olympia Theater where I was unable to get tickets for Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros on line. We walked in and the nice lady behind the window said “we just had a cancellation” and were able to grab two tickets. Better to be lucky than smart.
We got lost and turned around more than once but found a gluten free pizza place for lunch that was nice and then found a beer (also gluten free) for me in the Temple Bar area. Temple Bar is confusing because it is an area, a hotel, a bar, a hostel and so a lot of things are in “Temple Bar”. So we drank a little and I got speak at length to a bartendress who essentially convinced me that I needed to spend the second half of my trip in Galway.
That night we went to the Olympia see the concert. Despite it starting late due to a power outage it was a great show. The Olympia is just a gorgeous two balconied, intimate venue and it was a great end to the night… other than the fact that we got badly lost driving back to Balbriggan.
We visited St. Patricks Cathedral and the Irish Gallery and the Irish Library. I could wax poetic but really we blew threw them as only Beckers can without paying a lot of attention but just trying to take it all in and check it off our list. That is a stupid way to visit such brilliant, ancient historical places but, we are what we are and in the end I was in Dublin, hanging out with my daughter and didn’t really give a shit about where I was at. It could've been Gary, but I was happy it was Dooblin
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