So we have two problems:
1. Two much music; and
2. Too many artists stuck in the old (moldy) model of making “albums”.
This year, I was going to not list any CD’s or Albums of the year but instead just name a few with several great tracks and other than that I just wanted to give you a play list, give you some tunes, but… when i got into what I listened to this year I real;ized… I too am still stuck in the old model.
One more observation before we start though. Streaming has won. In five years they will not have a CD player in the car anymore. It will go the way of the 8-Track and then the Cassette. Additionally, iTunes is in the midst of dramatic decline. My generation of Bushies (The Ownership Society) is on the way out. The kids are not going to buy music for their hard drives or to burn into CD’s. That is like… soooooo 2009. Still, God Blessed us with a lot of good music this year and makes life better and in 2015, you can get a few smiles by enjoying some of the greats of 2014.
Toward the end of the year, Lost on the River, an amalgamation of some of my favorite artists putting lyrics to and music to Bob Dylan. Evidently when ensconced at “The Big Pink” with The Band he wrote and then performed a brilliant Album know as the basement tapes. Also during those months and years in northern New York he wrote another 100 or so other songs, lyrics, snippets and these were given to a collection of musicians under the guidance of genius, muse, manager, parent, T-Bone Burnett. The musicians:
Elvis Costello
Jim James
Taylor Goldsmith of Dawes
Marcus Mumford and
Rhiannon Giddens.
I was not familiar with Giddens. Giddens was violinist, singer in The Carolina Chocolate Drops. Anyway, if you get a chance watch the Showtime Special “The Lost Songs”. It is awesome and will really give you some insight into the brilliance of what they did. If you don't get a chance to watch that, do download or stream the following songs:
“Married To My Hack”
“Kansas City”
“Spanish Mary”
“Liberty Street”
They all are to nuanced to describe. Just do it. Seriously. The whole CD is worth a listen.
n my normal pedigree, the Felice Brothers new CD “Favorite Waitress” is another winner. Quality all the way through with the right quality of lightness and darkness and the always perfect time and heart ache and beauty that their lyrics and their years of playing together bring. Recorded with the Omaha Genius Mike Mogis as producer it is a dance hall, and a party and carries on their brilliant discography. Download or stream:
“Bird on a Broken Wing:
“Cherry Licorice”
“A Feathers Not A Bird”
“Modern Blue”
"Will you still be there when I round the curve?
Will you hold my hand when I lose my nerve?
I went to Barcelona and my mind got changed
So I'm heading back to Memphis on the midnight train
I keep my head down, I keep my eyes on you
It's a big wide world"
"Will you still be there when I round the curve?
Will you hold my hand when I lose my nerve?
I went to Barcelona and my mind got changed
So I'm heading back to Memphis on the midnight train
I keep my head down, I keep my eyes on you
It's a big wide world"
“Longer Than You’ve Been Alive”
“Let’s Get Drunk and Get It On”
“This is the Ballad”
"I’m not crazy about songs that get self-referential
and most of this stuff should be kept confidential
but who even gives half a fuck anymore
well you should know the truth it’s both a blast and a bore
rock stars were once such mythical creatures
up there with presidents playmates and preachers"
“Dont You Start”
Hold Yr. Ground”
“Batman The Ride”
This is loud music for my taste which makes it even better. Her voice aches and his drumming…”spot on”.
“To whoever stole the Dodge Caravan,
In December 2010
I hope you graduated High School
And your not doing 12th grade again.
What do you do
when your born in 63118?
Where do you run to,
when you get out of the starting gate?”
Ultimate questions memorializing one of what has become the epidemic of touring band van thefts in out beautiful little city.
“Richard Ramierez Died Today”
“Pray For Newtown”
“Richard Ramirez died today of natural causes
These things mark time and they cause pause
Think about we were kids scared of taps on the window
What’s under the bed and what’s under the pillow
And the jim jones massacre got in our heads
And the TV headlines elvis presley's dead
And the ayatollah who too many? committed(?) hostages
and ronald regan died of ---”
As Omar from “The Wire” would say…”Indeed.”
Laundry List of other artists and songs who did great stuff in 2014:
1. Kurt Vile: He just rocks and rocks hard in a Lou Reed patois that I love. His CD KV Crimes is good all the way through but download or stream “Walkin On A Pretty Daze”.
2. Lydia Loveless: Sweet heart wrenching, rocking country. Tanya Tucker on steroids and not over produced. Download or stream “Hurt So Bad”.
3. Curtis mc Murtry: Son of the brilliant and (by me) lionized James Mc Murtry debuted with a really solid freshman effort that continues to prove that good genes count for a lot. the kid is a thoroughbred songwriter. Dowload or stream “Ghost In My Bed”.
4. My fave Mike Doughty (Soul Coughing) came out with “Live at Kens House”. Download or stream “St. Louise is Listening.”
5. Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens) came out with a great CD showing he is still cat fucking Stevens. Download or stream “You Are My Sunshine”.
There is more but folks… you gotta put in the work. Let’s see what 2015 brings but follow my advice and buy the upgraded Spotify and cur commercials out of your life and stream whatever you want, whenever you want. I will be posting a best of 2014 play list for streaming to all comers.
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