Jonathan Trooper
“Everything Changes”
335 Pages
This book was an excellent way to start the year. It is kind of a sissy, wimpy boy book about “what men really think” about relationships and their fathers and urinating blood. Yes that’s right the book features rather prominently the following themes:
Death of friend
Engaged to beautiful women who loves you but your in love with dead best friends wife.
Death of a best friend
estranged father coming back
Slightly mentally retarded younger brother
Blood in your urine
It is a good story. They all live in new York and the main protagonist is a “middleman” and lives with his very rich friend, “Jed” and both are recovering from the death of their friend “Rael” who dies with our hero on their way home from a bad gambling night in Atlantic City. His estranged father shows up the week of his engagement party...he has blood in his stream and it all flows to a rather neat conclusion where he ends up with the right girl and a much better understanding of family. There is a reasonable amount of truth and insight in it and it is well written and has it’s funny spots. On our St. Louis Diner review scale of 1-10 Slingers this rated a 7.5 Slingers.
1 comment:
You need to read histories; they provide all the fun and games of the fictional stuff, and most people cannot invent things as strange as the Universe dishes up. OK Universe, you win...again.
A bit closer to your end of the literary spectrum, Ragamuffin Gospel by Brendan Manning (recovering alcoholic) while only somewhat historical can give you larger, theological and sometimes metaphysical issues to chew on without having to juggle timelines.
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