The Haitus Ends! I have been taking a break to deal with all the stupid self invented trauma in my life but...gosh there is just way too much bull shit going in the world right now to lay off. Sooooo....lets begin at the beginin.
Don’t Pump Gas On May 15th? What the hell? Who thinks this stuff up? I know it is a big Facebook and MySpace event so it is dominated by well intentioned High School and College students but does anyone really think that an industry which can take over the most powerful country in the world (not just the free world but THE WORLD), dramatically raise oil prices when there is no new threat to supplies and in between the Winter heating oil season and the summer driving season and has innoculated us to the point where we shrug off $3.00 a gallon for our 80 gallon Escalade tanks cannot figure out how to deal with one day where their captive constituents do not buy gas? (That was an awesome sentence). As a counter balance I have launched a Facebook event called “Don’t Pump Gas On May 15th AND Stop Whining and Go Give Blood.” How about something? For once? Please?

Barack Obama. I am ready to jump on the bandwagon. How great would it be to have a President with command of the english language and an ability to use it to inspire inspire me to want to do something better, to want to be something better, to ...God forbid...expect something better? The rap on him and there are many that he is unexperienced, green in the gills, an uncle tom, someone without substance, no proven track record, no serious governmental experience.... PLEASE! Is that all they got? With the numb nut we elected and God have mercy on all of our souls, re-elected, can we do any worse. People say that he is nothing but a canvas on which people like me can paint their dreams. Is that supposed to be bad? How much better is having a canvas to paint my dreams then the FOX covered technicolor nightmare that our current President brings into our lives every day and night? The other candidates, Republican and Democrat all seem more of the same. Rich kids from political families. Think about this nightmare. Hilary Clinton (who has briliantly reinvented herself) can be elected for four or eight years just to get us ready for another four or eight years of Jeb Bush? This is America and although we have a lot of Anglophiles we do not have dynasties and these people have all just become inbred and nasty. We can do better. And Obama is better. He is smart, hard working and he speaks in a manner which makes me want more for my country, my children and the world. Get on the band wagon now. You will thank me later.

Ben Stein was on the radio the other day. “Bueller?....Bueller?...has anyone seen Ferris Bueller?” Stein is one of the best, smartest observers of our time. Kurt Vonnegut Jr. had nothing on his pithy review of our nation and it’s foibles. Stein wrote a great book directed at teens called “How To Ruin Your Life” which gives on instructions on being selfish and stupid and ruining their life. But...I digress. Stein was on the radio talking about what a bad situation the country was in while at “war” in Iraq. He stated that on the same day, within the same hour when he heard 7 more American soldiers were dead he got to watch a group of brokers on Wall Street stand around and and clap regarding the new high for the Dow. He was saddened and he told us that as long as we are at “War” and we are more worried about our investments then the lives of Americans who are dying for that privelege...we will lose, and it will devestate us. He is right. When the war started the President told us that the best thing we could do to support the troops was to spend more. Once again, God forgive us for re-electing him. If we are at war...lets do something as a country to share the suffering rather then sending other peoples children to fight for our freedom. If people of my age and education were asked to send their children on this failed clause we would have a revolution in a minute and not just against the President but against the Democratic congress who does not have the backbone to reign in this misguided atrocity that we were lied into for reasons I cannot even speculate on. If you want this “war on terror” support it and send your child. I do not have the heart or the stomach and I am embarrassed that I have not done more...done anything sooner.
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