What annoys me is how the snow becomes a reason and an excuse for everyone to waste time talking about the weather and speculating on how "bad" it is going to be and to start thinking about "going home early" because the weather is so bad. There is always one boss in the office who should know better who drives the whole thing and starts to get everyone going. No one needs any help getting riled up but that one person walks from desk to desk and pretty soon you have a full fledge revolt at the place.

1. Make plans for child care the next day if school gets canceled.
2. Wake up early the next day.
3. Get your ass out of bed and get to work.
I am even more incredulous when men admit to being worried about the weather. I am not the manliest of men. I am in fact kind of a wimp...oK, I am total wimp BUT as a man I just could never admit I was "worried" about the weather and changing my plans because of what "might" happen. I mean, our job is be out helping people out who are stuck, getting to wherever we need to go and getting business done.... BECAUSE...when I was a boy it snowed 8 foot every day. We walked up mountains to get to school... both ways. There were locusts! Rivers turning read and running backwards,,,,BLACK ICE! I know we were not tougher. Really I do. But it just seems like everyone is so weak about bad weather. They say it going to start snowing tonight. Nu accumulation...but then continuing tomorrow night and accumulating 3-6 inches. I picture people who work for me running up and down the hall screaming "WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE! WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE"!

1 comment:
So obviously the current balance of three red pills and two green ones isn't having the effect we'd hoped. Maybe the inverse, of three greens and two reds will fare better given your sunlight-deprived condition. We played in the mud-bowl yesterday...I had the BEST time!
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