Headed to 1st Annual (we hope) LouFest. Bottlerockets open for noon "wake and bake" show. It will be cool to see a locally set up show
LouFest in slight disarray, not letting people in yet. No clouds, lack of shade could be a challenge and which old person did bring a chair?
aiting in the shade for Brian Henneman to kick it off. Soundcheck of "she's so perfect far away". Event seems to be working.
11:50 AM Aug 28th via txt
Loufest opens..."Workmens comp".
12:04 PM Aug 28th via txt
Bottlerockets...best ever verion of "welfare music". All electric. Stephaies id doing an ani di franco thing from asheville. Hot here.
1:00 PM Aug 28th via txt
OK. So we headed down there around 11:00. Although they had encouraged us all to be green and ride uor bikes or take MetroLink I had not budgeted time for MetroLink or energy for a bike. I am with my intrepid colleague Todd Raymond King, lately of Zaneville Ohio and recently divorced for the third time. We were coming off a reasonably serious hangover as a result of the prior nights frivolity at the Venice Cafe with Jakes Leg. We drove down and came into the park off of Kingshighway and immediately saw signs for LouFest parking which we disregarded. We ended up parking on the street and walking about a quarter mile to Central Feild and then hitting the entrance by 11:30 to find out that they were not leting people in yet. This was slightly disconcerting but the area seems clean and well run. We went and parked under a tree and heard Henneman tune up. We realized we had not brought chairs or .... shade.
They let us in and after a quick tour of the merch stand and getting a cerveza we got up front and waited for The Bittle Rockets. There was much milling about on stage and I noticed that the VIP areas were right next to the stage and thought I might need to consider that for next year, especially if I took the wife. Henneman's wife was there as well as the wife of one of the band members and it seemed very Lou-Like because we were all fans. The set he played was great and there was only one minor note of alarm for me... WHERE WAS BEATLE BOB?!!! LouFest without Bob seems wrong. I wonder if the promoter would not give him free tickets or if he is boycotting. Very disconcerting.

Stephanies id put on sweet show. There is no shade at LouFest. "So many dynamos" now pleaseing crowd boring me. Turnout at this point low
2:23 PM Aug 28th via txt
Adam Reichmans guitarist is best thing I have seen all day. Don't know his name. Band called "ghosts of electricity. Chanelling Tweedy.3:12 PM Aug 28th via txt
So, Adam Reichman comes on and he has a full band with him. Concert organizer Cohen said he would surprise a lot of people. The main thing I am surprised by is that the band sounds so tight but it is great alt-country. Adam formerly had a band called "Nadine" which was highly acclaimed, locally worshipped and likely "big in Europe" but never broke through. He has a great voice, writes a great hook and put on an expectedly great show. He capped it with my favorite Nadine song, "Through The Night".
Titus Andronicus "You will always ne a loser". He plays an excellent noise guitar. Said there had been a lot coubtry and western music today
August 28, 2010 4:24:09 PM CDT via txt
@lefsetz. You are missing LouFest. Locally produced...awesome music...two stages fenced off in a park. Google it.
August 28, 2010 3:48:08 PM CDT via txt
@okkervilriver. I do not mean to chide but...you should be at Loufest...I am just saying.mm
August 28, 2010 3:14:05 PM CDT via txt
A few shout outs to people about LouFest and then Titus Andronicus. These guys are from Jersey. They rocked. They put on a show that had the crowd going. It was hot. I got some food and stood in the shade of the SONY PS3 booth. I missed the show. it was nothing great. Nothing bad. they were from Jersey. that does not make it right.
Lucero...from Memphis tenn. The day starts to get really good. Further on...
August 28, 2010 5:06:16 PM CDT via txt
August 28, 2010 5:55:56 PM CDT via txt
Nice discussion of "puking all the way from Memphis". Could be added bonus as they live and emody Allman Brothers and DBT.
August 28, 2010 5:10:38 PM CDT via txt
ugust 28, 2010 6:09:47 PM CDT via txt
Luceros lead singer Ben could not make the whole set. Needs an IV. I did get to hear them pl "Drink Till Were Gone". Short show but sweet.
OK... so I was really excited to see Lucero. I had caught them three times before. Once in a small club in Columbus, once at the Duckroom and onceat the bar owned by the hipster who plays the sppons. A bar down off Chipewa. I am having a stroke. It was right across from Pauls bait and Tackle. Anyway, always a great loud show. They all looked rough and southern when they came out but the band is really one guy, Ben Nichols. his voice, his ebergy and his guitar carry a very tight band...and his lyrics. i love the guy. But he was not feeling so good. He walked out with a trash can and set it next to him in case he had to puke and explained that he had been sick all the way from Memphis. And it apparently was not a drunk type sick. Anyway, he still moved me through a few songs, then went and laid down. He came back, announced he would be getting and IV, worked his way through one more tune and then apologetically limped off. Still, I love the guy.
August 28, 2010 8:25:40 PM CDT via txt
Passed out in shade listening at a distance to "Toxic Airborne Event". Pleasant. Waiting for Doug Martsch and Built To Spill.
I remember nothing about this show. Built to spill was up after Toxic Airborne Event and i have seen them a million times and was looking forward to 1,000,001. I am just a little gay in that way. Doug Martsch came out in sunglasses and cap looking like Castro but quickly had to peel off in the heat...and the beating sun. he tore through a normal set with some high points off of "There is Nothing Wrong With Love" including "Car" and ""Twin falls Idaho" which he always seems to dedicate to his mom in the crowd. I wonder if she lives around here. Anyway, great little set.
August 29, 2010 2:27:23 PM CDT via txt
Sooo they let Built To Spill play another 20 minutes and I got to hear drive. Waiting for much vaunted Broken Social Scene.
I do not get this group. Lots of energy, great rhythm but it a cacophony. A poor mans "Arcade Fire". I love the guy from the Shins but would prefer he just play with the Shins. Can you really call it a Canadian "supergroup" without Neil Young? I left half way home but what a great day!
August 29, 2010 4:06:47 PM CDT via txt
@loufeststl. Ok...so the heat kicked my ass yesterday and I am laying in the pool...but I will be there for the Fruitbats. Get off my ass!
I missed the carolina Chocolate Drops and a couple of other bands. i did get to go to Church and lay in the pool with King before packing him off to Ohio. i then soldiered down there all alone....with a chair.
August 29, 2010 4:21:34 PM CDT via txt
@LouFestSTL. Corey Chisel...Jason Mraz? John Mayer? Jack Johnson? Better? Worse? Dofferent? Help me. Such a nice fest. So proud of the Lou.
@loufeststl#loufest. Corey Chisel kicks off day two with what appears to be relentlessly "pleasant" set. Crowd seems better post heat stroke
I really do not have anything more to say about Corey Chisel. the crowd once again ate him up and I, sadly... did not. Any time I use the word "pleasant" it is like my wife when she uses the word "interesting". It only means one thing, that is bad news. By the way, my chair is broken.
August 29, 2010 5:10:25 PM CDT via txt
@LouFestSTL. #LouFest. Higher hipster quotient today but still tolderable. Old people ratio tolderable. Kid ratio...high but cute.. I guess.
Fritbats. Nice surprise of the show. Was unfamiliar with them so I downloaded a couple of songs but live they have a nice presence. It is probably my favorite combination on indy/alt-country which really summarizes the over all offerings of LouFest. Their lead singer was also playing guitar along with another guitarist and this big creepy albino. The sum was in their eyes, they were all wearing shades and just frankly tore up a really sweet set. One of the great things about a concert like Loufest is your chance to get introduced to new acts and these guys are definitely worth buying and following in the future.
@loufestSTL. Standing next to 70 year old man from Austin watching Escovedo...vaguely sureal and all good.
August 29, 2010 6:30:35 PM CDT via txt
@loufestSTL. As Alejandro strikes up the band. Fruitbats. Nice set. This should be better.
August 29, 2010 5:57:07 PM CDT via txt
@LouFestSTL. As expected Alejandro tearing it up. Who is lead guitar? Pleae advise.
August 29, 2010 6:16:37 PM CDT via txt
@loufeststl. So jeff won me over on a beautiful night @ #LouFest. The crowd went apeshit for him. Everyone waiting for "She and Him".
August 29, 2010 8:25:20 PM CDT via txt
@loufeststl. Tweedy with a new spin on "Casino Queen". Once agin trying out the Dylan.
August 29, 2010 8:11:45 PM CDT via txt
Jeff Tweedy..."Passenger Side"."Take me to the store and then the bank". Funniest line rea: Ciceros "I should have sent them my rehab bill."
August 29, 2010 8:10:07 PM CDT via txt
@loufeststl. Tweedy finally threw me a bone and played "New Madrid". Most songs from what I see as "awkward years" between a.m. and Foxtrot.
August 29, 2010 7:33:39 PM CDT via txt
@loufeststl. Tweedy chanelling Dylan...as best he can and crowd loving it. "Girl From North Country" next? 5 guitars?
August 29, 2010 7:10:00 PM CDT via txt
@loufeststl. I hate to be a downer but people who sit for a tweedy homecoming show suck. There. I guess I said it.
August 29, 2010 6:59:10 PM CDT via txt
Jeff Tweedy was really supposed to be one of the, if not THE high point of LouFest for me. Tweedy from his early days with Uncle Tupelo to the beginnings of Wilco, through today has been a powerful pleasure of some joyous songwriting and emotion. His music, as much as anyone has been a sound track of my adulthood. I love this guy. He has come to town dutifully with Wilco but not always joyously. Also Tweedy with a band was never the same as Tweedy solo, in a small club like the Lounge Ax in Chicago. I have several recordings of his solo shows and the level of intimacy was impressive.
k. So its really packed for "She and Him". Various mail and female groups chanting "ZOEY, ZOEY". I say go M. Ward...beat Zoe. With a stick.August 29, 2010 8:32:04 PM CDT via txt
I know she is a movie star and has nice pipes but really...M. Ward as a sideman to her preening... Pains me. @loufeststl.
August 29, 2010 8:40:05 PM CDT via txt I really have never "gotten "She & Him". I know they are indie darlings. She does have a really great voice but for some reason (and I know this should not matter) I have never found her that pretty but I do find her kind of odd looking. I will never get over her performance in "Almost Famous". M. Ward on the other hand has been a rumbling, stumbling and bumbling god of mine for years. I just have loved the guy but he has never had much stage presence...just brilliance. For an excellent taste of M. Ward, go download his version of Creedence's "Green River". Just a suggestion but an excellent one. Also anything from his CD "The Transfiguration of Vincent.
Anyway, having these guys close out the show was a no brainer for Cohen. The whole music loving part of the town showed up. I did not feel the need to stay the whole evening but understand that M. Ward gave the crowd a little Chuck Berry to wrap it up.
This was an excellent festival. I know I am old and sappy but it did make me proud of the town for a couple of days and gave me the chance to see us through someone's eyes who just comes here for a few day event. This is a great town in it's own self deprecating way. There are lots of cool places to eat and a lot to do, for a visitor and we should sell it harder when we get the chance. More importantly we need to find a way to this Fest again year after year. It would be an awesome St. louis tradition.
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