I have been watching the bullshit for the last two weeks about this idiot at a tiny church in Florida announcing he was going to burn Koran's or Quoran's or Qoran's, depending on your belief in correct spelling and political correctness. I cannot fault the preacher. He is clearly mentally ill with a strong (but not too strong based on the size of his church) instinct for self promotion. it is a shame and a pity that this man got any press at all much less the full Katy Perry 15 minutes for this despicable display. If they burned Bibles in Iran I would hope that no American press would cover those crazy people either. But for a 24 hour news cycle and the desire to create controversy none of us ever would have heard of this idiot and his hateful, little, offensive church that has the audacity to call itself Christian. God will have mercy on his soul but i would have to pray a lot more to show this guy any grace. Which brings me to point 3.
The Glenn beck Rally was annoying. Tomorrow the tea party gets together in St. Louis. "tea party Patriots". I guess the rest of us are not patriots. "Real Americans" according to Sarah Palin which i think also means that since i disagree with them makes me a...'Fake American"? I DON'T FEEL LIKE A FAKE AMERICAN. Listening to Glen Beck (and I do) I am realizing that one of the things I find so offensive is this culture of victimhood he cultivates among the middle class. YOU are victims! THEY are taking things away from you! YOU MUST FIGHT BACK! What kind of bullshit is that? What has been taken away from whom? A lot has been hogged by the top 1% with the assistance of their government stooges and complacent people who believe that their interests are the same as these oligarchs. But what is really bothering me is that Tea party people I see almost to a man (or woman) self identify as Christians even while they follow the rantings of their Mormon profit Glen Beck.
Where is the Christ in the much vaunted "Christian" values? Why is the ten commandments so much more important, as well as all other old testament law regarding women, homosexuality, marriage etc....all so important, quotable and indictable but Jesus own words and examples are forgotten. the Tea Party and conservative Republicans are all about government getting out of the way...so they can gather as much wealth as possible for the benefit of themselves and their families (see the much hated DEATH TAX) where we keep kids from inheriting things they did not work for from their parents. Where it is in Christian values and Christ's example to gather up wealth while on this planet. I know you can interpret "render unto Ceasar what is Ceasar's" but when we are talking about money and taxes how else can you read it but that these are not things of the kingdom that we are to be concerned about. I am not going to quote the Bible any more then that because I question people who do it for their own purposes. Go to Matthew Chapter 5. read the next four chapters of the Bible where Christ gives us a short course on how to live your life. read it in context and read the whole thing. See how your conservative Christian values stack up against the real thing.

Now the Wolverines have Marched down to the 2....TOUCHDOWN! What a game! What a life? perhaps there is hope for our country after all. I am not sure how this result relates to anything but allow me my ramble.
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