They do it through supporting and passing stupid legislation. “Stupid” is a very narrow minded, prejudicial term and I hesitate to use it loosely but from a group of people constantly worried about, in no particular order:
1. The imposition of Sharia law in Missouri,
2. “The immigration problem” (which I assume is concerned that travel from our southern border home to Arkansas might be somehow infringed).
3. Anything that might limit someone in Versailles from owning a tank (the vote to nullify and Federal law regulating firearms)
4. Obamacare! We refuse to accept Federal money and provide more health services to our residents!
5. Taxes! They are all bad unless they fall disproportionately and the poor and cost businesses and rich people either nothing or next to nothing.
6. Voting. You must have a valid picture ID! So your right to vote requires you to register. Your right to own a gun… not so much.
Recently they have decided to “Take These Things To The People” and with a ton of lobbying dollars behind the effort they can skirt around the obvious veto by Governor Nixon. On Tuesday we will be able to officially enshrine in our State Constitution Several New things. Several things that have no business in a Constitution. 5 Separate “Amendments” are offered. Take a look at this site to be a responsible voter before you go in. It is run by Jason Kander. He is our Secretary of State. He appears to be a very nice man and runs a good website:
Since 1945 the Constitution has been Amended 80 times. Now it appears our legislature wants to change the Constitution to keep from taking responsibility for silly laws. Today I only really want to discuss one:
1. The Right To Farm:
Section 35. That agriculture which provides food, energy, health benefits, and security is the foundation and stabilizing force of Missouri's economy. To protect this vital sector of Missouri's economy, the right of farmers and ranchers to engage in farming and ranching practices shall be forever guaranteed in this state, subject to duly authorized powers, if any, conferred by article VI of the Constitution of Missouri.[5]
Really? I mean, I am not high and mighty on this. I love cheap meat. I love cheap chicken. If I ever witnessed the conditions we raise and kill these animals however I believe I would shit my pants in pure shame. So I avoid that knowledge which i believe is my legal right but does not speak well for my almighty soul. In any case, there is no God given right to “farm” without any definition of what that means, anymore than there is a “right” to be a lawyer. We confer to government the power to govern. We want them to keep our food supply safe for example. Lots of people will love this amendment:
1. Lawyers
2. Factory farmers
3. People who abuse child labor
4. Raw milk people
5. Marijuana Farms (it is a right to farm!)
We don’t need it. It provides cover not for our family farmer but for the people who are putting them out of business. It is not the proper use of a Constitution. It purports to confer special protections on farmers that the rest of us do not have. It is un American.
But in Missouri, our legislator under the guise of protecting our rights behaves as toadies for corporate interests and government haters. I support your family farm. You have a right to make living. There is no “right” to farm and there is certainly no right to factory farm.
I am thinking of voting against all 5 amendments on Tuesday. Why do we have to amend our constitution with “stupid”?
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