I know in my Christian Schooling it was taught to us that GOOD and EVIL were as clear and black and white, right and wrong, Goofus and Gallant. But most of my teachers, all through High School were more nuanced. Not all of them. But most of them. They taught me to question any absolute other than the overwhelming love that God has for us as evidenced by the life and death of his son. That was a non negotiable and as absurd as it seems to my non believing friends it remains a pretty solid non negotiable item for me.
But everything else is on the table.
Law school made this worse. When I first heard the title “50 Shades of Gray” I assumed it was about the practice of law, rather than… shit, I don’t even really know what the book was about as I didn’t read it, but I don't think it was about the law. Everything is gray. Black and white are illusions, over simplified for the control of the masses by the few who rile them up with righteous indignation over…
1. Anything.
2. Our children and the safety of our children and the future of our children.
3. But if children are not available than in our case it is our AMERICAN values and our Constitution which someone (currently an evil black man in Washington) are trampling upon and ruining EVERYTHING for everyone.
A. Freedom
B. Abortion
C. Gun Rights
D. Same Sex Marriage
People, this shit is complicated. It is complicated by millions (or at least several thousand for Biblical 7 Day Creationists) of years of history and baggage. Hate and distrust of strangers (anyone who believes differently than we do) is nothing new.
I know my Old Testament (by virtue of Lutheran School drilling and man named Fred Grundman, may his sharp witted, sometimes sarcastic and always brilliant soul rest in peace). There is a lot of really good stuff there. A lot of great life lessons for leading a valued, meaningful, worthwhile and happy life. There is also a lot of stuff written by fearful men which was might (or might not) have helped the people they were writing for. I believe scripture is inspired by God but, men wrote it. I get how eating pork was forbidden and why. It made a great deal of sense. It no longer does.
Now I know many faith traditions still hold pork as tref but most of us have moved on in varying degrees. Anyway, I digress only because so many people use the literal interpretation of certain verses of scripture (while ignoring Christ’s example in the Gospels) as an excuse for not thinking. We as a country are doing the same thing with the Constitution.
Why do people get so apoplectic about our 2nd Amendment Rights? I believe our framers
meant for our Citizens to have a well organized militia. At that time, the government could not afford to outfit troops so certainly every man having a weapon made sense. Perhaps it still does today. Did they envision the killing power that an individual has in their hands now? NO. Satan himself could not have seen that so much power for death could be in one mans hands. I do not like guns particularly. I know it is impossible to get shot if you're not in shooting distance of a gun. I know I have never been threatened by a gun or by gun violence. I dont want them in my house or around my children. I would prefer no one have them. But at this point… it doesn't make any difference what I think. 310 Non-military guns in the US according to CNN. So this is done. Now we have to thrash around with it and watch the ease with which crazy people and children have access to guns. There are too many of them. But it is done. Lets stop pretending like we are going to do anything about it and lets stop giving the NRA and Gun manufactures fodder for their asinine claims that Obama is going to take away their guns and ammo. If he could get it done, he would of. He knows he can’t. I wish he could of. No one can. SHUT UP about it on both sides. We have made our bed. I don’t support that we should all have non hunting firearms but so what? It is a meaningless yet divisive conversation. Handguns? I know you can target shoot with them but they are really for killing people. But so what?
1. Time
2. Resources
3. Desire (see Tyson foods above)
So “send them home”. Our economy uses them and profits from them. They use services. there is a cost. Saint Ronald made them all citizens but I guess that was his only mistake. We are not going to send 11 million people back. So there are no EASY ANSWERS. Although i think Illegal immigration through our southern border has been a great thing for the country I realize that is not a widely held opinion. How about if we…
Spend the Money to secure the border, make a national investment like the race to the moon. Announce that we are doing it and announce that when it is complete, everyone here will have six months to begin a process of becoming a citizen. I know it sounds shitty but there are no easy answers! SUGGEST SOMETHING BETTER! I will listen.
Abortion. Wow. We had to get there. I am against abortion. I think (please focus on the word THINK) that it might be murder. I really don’t know when life begins. But it is not unreasonable to think it begins at conception. I also believe that women who get abortions are often badly damaged by their actions in ways they cannot fully appreciate, in the moment. On the other hand I KNOW:
1. There are many unwanted pregnancies
2. Some of these pregnancies will be terminated regardless of legislation
3. A women should have say over her body (I realize a fetus has rights too)
4. If we make it illegal, people with means will have safe abortions, people without means
will have to rely on “lesser” options.
5. You cannot legislate morality.
6. We are not taking care of the children who are born and “unwanted”.
7. There is a societal cost to the majority of unwanted children that society has proven
unwilling to bear.
8. The people who tell me every life is sacred have very little interest in stopping the government from murdering people on death row, despite the whole “every life is sacred” thing.
I have no answers to this one. Life is sacred. But so what? Pray a lot. keep an open heart for people who disagree with you. Be deeply suspicious of anyone who provides simple answers. Did I mention, pray a lot.
Same sex marriage. I saved this one for last. I have a vested interest in this one, having a gay son. I understand the people who go to the Bible and pick verses (I believe out of context) to support their pathological hate for this and their support of the sanctity of marriage as a union between a man and a woman. I know I am small minded on this one so i will be a little more of a prick. I will try and be kind to you as our children have already made the decision. This is a clear case of raising people whether intentionally or not, who are better people than us. Maybe that is something we can be Thankful for.
So, be smarter. Be thoughtful. Be reflective. Be different people. Fail at it. Then try again. I heard Glenn Beck quoting Deutrich Bonhoeffer. His picture is the one on top. He was truly a great man. If you don’t know anything about him be lazy and read this.
If you want a really good short read, this really improved my understanding of faith and life and purpose. It is only 128 pages and is a great intro to a great man.
Glenn Beck quoting Bonhoeffer?! I don’t know whether to he hopeful or horrified but, shit, let’s choose hope.
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