Thursday, December 17, 2009

Fever Ramblings!

I have had a sick early winter. Evidently drinking too much, not getting enough sleep and being stressed out about, your job, your marriage, your children, global warming, death panels, your parents health, your friend's marriages, the state of organized religion, the alarming spread of gonhorrea in certain communities, the economy, my clients, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck....oh Glenn Beck and well...everything is not such a good idea. That and a trip to Chicago with a bunch of "Christian" men might have been the death of me. So I get back to town, work a few days and then yesterday at late morning decide that it might be best if I lay down on my couch at work due to general dizziness. At 4 I went home to take a little nap before my wife came home and later surfaced at 7 with a 102 fever.

There is something about a fever. It legitimizes sickness. there is no pretending the fever outside of Ferris Bueller. Fevers make me sweat and make me shiver and make me ache and make me have the coolest dreams. It would appear my fever has broken but I still feel like crap. Perhaps it is getting all the booze out of my system. The bad news is that it appears I made my wife sick with a fever which means I have no one to wait on me. The lesson is this... keep your staff healthy or being sick is no good.

I never remember the fever dreams but in those immediate, semi awake moments where are still vestiges of them on the edge of thought. There is something much more vivid about the feeling. Not a dream and not a nightmare but just such an Alice In Wonderland after glow.... as I sweat and shiver. Weird. I kind of like it

Being sick let me finish this book I have been working on for a month. IT WAS JUST SUCH A DENSE GOOD READ! It was a book by Victor La Valle called "The Big Machine". It is a really odd work of fiction and although looking back on it the pieces all seem so disjointed it follows the journey of a junky, through what seems like redemption but might indeed be hell. It requires the susp[ension of disbelief in a large measure but it is worth the effort as he deals with what seems by the end to be ALL of life's important questions. I am calling this my favorite book of the year and it is pretty late in the game.
There is something about this book that feels like my fever dreams. Maybe it is just the timing but it is a book with a lot of pain. A lot of angst and a lot of beauty that takes us on a long journey.... that works. Buy it.


What about that nice young man Tiger Woods? Well, boys will be boys. Anyway, as a middle aged man I am embarrassed for him and for men in general but at this point all I can really say is what a great golfer and.... what a tool. Really. And I do not come at it from a sanctimonious angle at all.


Christmas is coming. All the presents are NOT bought. The kids are coming home. We have not got the Christmas letter out and will not get it out prior to Christmas. My dad is in the hospital (he passed out and toppled in a restaurant). We are missing my nieces graduation from Missouri State tomorrow (congrats Jenny Becker!). I am missing a lot of work. I have a lot of clients and partners who want a lot of stuff before Christmas I will not get done. Everything seems to be in disarray and yet... everything is good and it is going to be a great Christmas. Seriously. Now back to my regularly scheduled fever.

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