Tuesday, March 19, 2013

KUBE KLASSIK: 10 Reasons To Not Enter The KUBE!

10 Good (or at least possibly acceptable) Reasons For Not Entering The KUBE:

1. You are my son Pat (which means you go to school in Lawrence Kansas and have no idea where the Allen Fieldhouse is or what a Jayhawk is or... well you get the idea.

2. You hate America.

3. You hate yourself, AND America and your busy on Facebook messaging Manti Te’o’s girlfriend.

4. You are a life long Kentucky fan and are currently watching them play a “really tough” Robert Morris team (you are suicidal).

5. You are busy with a Mah Jong tournament at out “the club”.

6. Your ACC numbers are down (because you are old enough to know what ACC numbers are).

7. You have a brief, pleading, motion, letter, or something due somewhere to someone that you believe is more important than entering your brackets in the KUBE.

8. You feel bad seeing yourself do so much better than the Mowen family.

9. You have no friends nor hope of ever having any friends (Kowert/Winstroer).

10. Your intolerant of gluten, lactose, fructose and perhaps.... people.

It is Tuesday Night. The play in games are already occurring. We are still not at 200 entries. I believe that we are ahead of last years pace but I will not tolerate slacking. If we do not reach 500 entries this year Glen Beck has told me that the progressives will WIN, with George Soros and then Bloomberg soda guy. We cannot have that. You need to enter the KUBE now. You need to enter for your children! You need to enter for your pets. You need to have a bracket for your children's pets. GRANDCHILDREN need brackets to fund (what will then be their million dollar, yet still useless college education)!

So let's get off our butts and log on to www.kubeklassik.com and enter 5 times tonight. Do it for yourself, do it for America, do it for the kids and grandkids you are screwing by allowing your country to run up un-payable debt to pay for all your entitlements.... but do it!

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