
But why am I so enamored with the Tour? I do not know. The Lance Armstrong years were big but I loved it before. I loved Bernard Hinault and some of the great Columbian riders...the king of the mountains, the furious sprints. Most of all I enjoy coming home, turning it on and surfing the internet as I watch the days race replayed. I will never be king of the mountains...but i can dream.
Wimbeldon happened. Yawn.
7-7-07. Only happens every millenium. No one won the pwerball. A shitload of people got married in Vegas. I did not gamble or do anything interesting. Such is the quality of my life. 4th of July was pleasant. Sat in Spoeneman’s pool and watched the Cardinals win a tough game. the Wednesday 4th of July celebration always ends up with more then a little dislocation which was exacerbated by the fact that it was my first week on the job. No one won the lottery on such a lucky day...who would of thunk it?

Regarding my departure from Wagenfeld Levine...I thank my friends for being my shrinks. it is amazing how something that should not be so traumatic...it is after all just a job...can be so traumatic. might be (probably is) because I am mentally weak but it is nightmarish how easy it seems to be to sweep my legs out from under me. it was an interesting ride at the firm. Some really interesting things. learned a lot but when it got weird, it really got weird and I disappointed myself because when it got weird...I did not turn pro. Right now it is all too fresh so....I say nothing more about that...other then good luck to the firm and everyone there. A lot of nice people.
Spent a week in Michigan doing the teen counselor thing (more on that later) and will be leaving the 15th for another week in michigan...this one just to lay around. laying around in Michigan is one of the finer things you can do with a week. The whether tends toward sublime, ratty old Lake Michigan sparkles blue like it thinks that it is the carribean. Whire beaches, hot days, cool nights. Good food, good people and oh..yeah...my family is there too. Hoping to read a little and write a lot. We will see.
Ultimate Fighting? Tapping out? I do not get anything about it. I mean, I do not get NASCAR but I really do not get Cage fighting and all this crap. This type of mindness violence packed in with a lot of men groping and laying and twisting on top of one another. makes a homophobe like myself VERY uncomfortable but... can someone explain this shit to me.

But what it really points out is... once again... our Vice President is as unpleasant, evil, mean spirited, petty, vindictive and paranoid as ANYONE who has ever held office inour country. I mean seriously...how has someone not whacked this guy already. there is no one he will not “GET” if he perceives ANY opposition. The Surgeon General spoke out this week regarding how the White House tried to muzzle his opinions which were not in line with the agenda and this is Cheney stuff. This guy does not comply with subpeonas...has invented it’s own new security classification... he...for God sakes...is keeping man size Mosler safes in his office to store documents he deems too sensitive to leave the room. The guy is the Vice President! It is not even a real job but i do not think anyone doubts that he is the boss.
Spent this weekend with my wife laying around in the pool both afternoons drinking beer. On Sunday had the Kukla’s and some of the family over. It was a good time. Nice pool, nice people
Some Summer Resolutions:
1. Schedule another Dive bar Tour (and make sure there are sober drivers)
2. Work Hard
3. Play Harder
4. Get disciplined about St. Louis Bar-B-Q
5. Schedule Chicago trip
6. Spend more weekend afternoons in the pool with friends and beer (not necisarily in that order)
That seems like enough.
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