Here is something I would like a comment upon... or two because it is an important issue for an epicurean focused blog such as this one. Now I know some of you are not residents of the Lou and that most of you are familiar with only the tradional Surf and Turn which consists of a filet mignon and a lobster tale. Not to disparage the traditional surf and turf but for me I have a St. louis variation (not that it is not available in other cities but it seems to me to speak volumes about my town) I call (cleverly) “St. Louis Surf and Turf” which consists of White Castle Cheeseburgers (not just for drunks anymore) and two pieces of Long John Silvers fried fish. Obviously this calls for some side dishes and generally I would reccomend the cumblies (by-product of deep fryar which are thrown away by a lot of less perceptive purveyors of fast food) and some onion rings (also fried) from White Castle.
So that... according the definitive source, the St. Louis Diner Review is St. Louis Surf and Turf. But... I am not an island and I am always open to the possibility (however slim) that I might be incorrect, and that being the case I would like to solicit your opinions on the best modern surf and turf... from St. Louis... or wherever. I await your comments ALL of which will be published. Do NOT disappoint me.
Even in the midst of election fatigue where I am not watching Meet The Press and was grateful for public radio’s Valentine’s Pledge Drive giving me a reason to turn NPR off... I am still having ideations of election nightmares at 2:00 A.M. The most recent one is (forgetting about super delegates and the seating of Michigan and Florida) what happens if barack does not knock Hillary off by Texas? The State that gave us George W. Bush could play a decisive role in shoving Hillary to the nomination. Might be an even better “firewall” for her the California was since it has a large hispanic population and historically no great love for african americans. Frightening. I am hoping after his sweep of Kansas, Washington and Louisiana that he can follow up with the Chesapeake Primaries of Maryland, D.C. and Virginia and she will do the right thing and quit like a Becker.
What happened to Mike Gravel?
Does Ron Paul really believe that the Trialateral Commission in conjunction with the evil cabal of international financiers and of course the liberal Jewish media are planning Canmexamerica uniting North America... like that awful European Union? Would that be a bad thing?

Now it is Valentines Day! A lot has happened. Barack has swept 8 in a row and although we are still concerned about Texas that looks to be the only race Hillary can win. So what about Valentines Day? Is there any holiday that is more insipid... more prone to misunderstanding, mis calculation, out of whack expectations and general unhappiness? (The answer is no.) The Hallmark people and their lobby must have been working over time on this one. I have nothing against love, infatuation or sex and the persuit thereof no matter how misguided but... jeez... Valentines Day with it’s forced ackowledgment of your special “relationships” tends to be painful, awkward and well, stupid. If you love someone... you need to find a way to show it every day...duh?
So, we soldier through February trying not to kill ourselves. We watch the fabulous yet unheralded Duke Bulldogs... shambling out of Des Moines. Althoug beaten last night by this years unheralded SIU Carbondale the champs out of Iowa look like they will give us all someone to root for in the NCAA’s. You have to love the underdog, even if they have only lost two, they are still from Iowa and still have an ugly mascot..
The election moves on to Iowa. Hillary’s huliation will continue albeit slowly.
The writers strike is over. rarely have I felt less inconvenienced by a “major” strike.

More and more Mark Mc Guires pathetic appearance before the Senate several years ago looks... brilliant. Making the best out of a disasterous situation Mc Guire feigned memory loss and refused to answer questions about his steroid and or HGH use. Roger Clemmens on the other hand is insisting upon extending the nations, and his own pain with what appear to be a series of arrogant lies and deninciations. I watched him the other day in front of Congress. Perhaps he does not go down for perjury but he NEVER gets into the Hall of Fame and is generally remembered as a putz. A little sad but for the fact thtta he seems like such an asshole (the type of guy who would have enjoyed beating me up in high school) that I cannot muster much sympathy for him. Not that there is anything particularly sad or pathetic about having your wife shoot up HGH before a photo shoot. Jeez.
1 comment:
Valentine day is holiday invented by floral and greeting card industries to fleece dumb ass guys who feel they need to ensure their chick's gifts are better than their chick's best friend so they can assuage the girl's bottomless pit of insecurity. So says me, but I am a romantic. And don't forget the restaurants that open their doors to the infrequent diner whiling to pay inflated prices for glorified chicken fingers dyed red to celebrate the faux season and the forced expressions of iffy affection. Just depressing.
On the culinary front, the Newstead Public Room offers good lunch fare, best chicken sandwich in town, best onion rings around, and a clean bar. I digress from the diner focus, but it is worth a mention. The Agave restaurant, in the Grove as well, has an uneven and marginal lunch, but great margaritas.
On the nonsense senate hearings on steriods, it is embarassing that our politicians choose to distract the public from actual issues that impact their lives with investigation into the drug use of the ultra-wealthy. Perhaps it should be looked at another way: self-sacrifice, perseverence and a willingness to "go the extra mile" are american virtues (along with "rugged individualism"). Steroids are apparently quite bad for one's health in the long-term, yet in the nearer term allow one to perform in his chosen field of endeavor on a higher level. Thus, for the good of the team and "going the extra mile" the steroid conniseur sacrifices his body. Some play hurt, some hurt themselves to play better. Whatever.
The central roid problem is if allowed to go unchecked, all will feel compelled to partake in order to remain competitive and we don't want people ingesting things that will hurt them so we make them illegal...except for the cigarettes which, unlike steroids, have neither short nor longterm benefit unless early death is a benefit...
Which leads me to thinking about the war, naturally, and the justification for the Iraq deal being fundamnetally about protecting their freedoms and preventing the human rights abuses and murders, but then I watch a documentary like "God Grew Tired of Us" documenting 20 plus years of war in Sudan which has killed 2 million and its nutso muslims trying to wipe ou the christians in the country, but we don't go there for freedom or human rights, and they even speak English...
Then off to the spate of whacko lone gunmen walking into public gathering places and just blasting away. Many say if we all "were packing" this would stop. Maybe. Or maybe the whacko goes down before he can exact the full measure his arsenal will allow. Dunno. However, still must ask what it is about the modern day american condition which leads someone to this end. Which brings me back to And God Grew Tired of Us. The documentary follows several Sudanese who come to the US. Amongst their observations of our culture is the profound isolation and loneliness it foists on the avreage person. People in this country just do not talk to one another. One of the Sudanese, walking a street in Syracuse, happens upon a person just crying their eyes out and he is stunned that people pass her by without a word. In his country's culture one is compelled to intervene and try to assuage the person's misery. That is a culture which allows a war to create 2 million dead, but still they may be on to something as to a cultural sickness that creates such individual isolation.
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