Super Tuesday: February 5
Alabama primaries
Alaska caucuses
Am. Samoa caucuses
Arizona primaries
Arkansas primaries
California primaries
Colorado caucuses
Connecticut primaries
Delaware primaries
Georgia primaries
Idaho caucuses
Illinois primaries
Kansas caucuses
Mass. primaries
Minnesota caucuses
Missouri primaries
Montana caucuses
New Jersey primaries
New Mexico primary
New York primaries
North Dakota caucuses Oklahoma primaries
Tennessee primaries
Utah primaries
W. Virginia convention
We are here and no one knows what is going to happen on the Democratic side. It really seems to all come down to California and Hillary is in the lead there. But as in a lot of things with our country California will lead the way and we will see if Obama’s momentum can overtake her machine and her polish. They debated again on Thursday, just the two of them and I was concerned that Obama would just get killed. Instead he held his own but make no mistake, he just held his own. Hillary is smart, well spoken and despite all evidence to the contrary has great instincts. Still, watching her makes me cringe. She cannot communicate without a petulant, smug, superior and yes bitchy, attitude. On the other hand Barack, who I love and will vote for if I get the chance, seems like a scolding parent. Still, he survived in that fight. But will he survive California?
The Republicans are done and they did the right thing. They rejected this flipper Romney in favor of the grumpy old man Mc Cain. And I could vote for him even though I think he is wrong on the war, he is right on a lot of other stuff and as soon as he wins the nomination I think he will move away from all the tax cut, right to life talk. They have dismissed Huckabee but he will live to fight another day. There is no question that he burst from irrelevance to now being the guy who delivers the nomination to Mc Cain. Good for him. Mc Cain will be hard to handle in a general election. He is, as I said, a grumpy old man. There will be a lot of talk about his age but the bottom line is, old people vote. He will be tough in the general election. He will be tough in the general election. Do not discount this guy.
I watched meet the press this morning (what a great show) and was repressed by almost everyone but the Mary Matalin/James Carville thing is particularly depressing because these is just dying that this commie Mc Cain (when did that happen?) is going to win the nomination and Carville cannot believe anyone could be challenging the coronation of his once and future boss. The encouraging thing is that there are people in the middle. There are people open to compromise and the demonization of Mc Cain for being able to reach compromises with the Democrats is ultimately what will get him the nomination and maybe even the White House.
This is a new environment compared to the last 20 years. The Republicans lost me with Newt Gingrich and the beginning of the Orwellian language choices (brilliant) made by the Republican party when they threw “The Contract With America” at us. These were the politics of the 51% which were honed by Karl Rove and left the Democrats confused and standing in the shadows scratching their asses and their heads (different hands). The idea of “your with us or your against us”....”your for no child left behind or you hate kids”... “your for tax cuts or your an anti business commie”... “your for the war or you hate America AND freedom”. We, as a country are sick of this. But that having been said we could lapse into the same thing again.
Be aware Whether you are for Barack, Mc Cain or even Clinton. These are all good people. They all sincerely want what is best for us. Each of them will face an enormous challenge, and unbelievable challenge and they will need our support and our prayers. The people who support the people who we do not support (including my brother and many of my friends) have nothing but but the best intentions for our leaders and the country. It is hope that after we finish with the primaries we can have a healthy discussion about the issues and leadership and remember in the end that we are all Americans and have a lot of work to do.
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