1. I was wrong about the troop surge. Though I still do not know what we accom plished with the whole debacle and still believe were dramatically damaged our selves economically, morally, emotionally and in every other way. History will judge Bush’s war of choice. But the surge, after 4 years of disaster, provided an exit strategy. I was wrong. Very wrong even. An idiot. there... I said it.
2. I said I would never have the opportunity to pay under $2.00 a gallon for gas again. Granted I was not predicting the worst economy since the great depres sion but still....$1.31 is what I think I paid last tank so once again... I was wrong...very, very wrong.
3. Although I did not publish it I figured my wife would finally leave me in 2008. Wrong.
4. I thought the Cubs would fold in the second half of the season. Instead they toyed with the hearts of Chicago into the post season....before folding like a cheap deck chair.
These are the big ones I am thinking of and that is not too, too bad for a humble diner reviewer. I was right about Obama being the nominee and the President. I called it hard and early.
2008 was not a particularly good year for me for some reasons which will be left unsaid. 2007 was not a banner year either so I am officially calling 2009 as the year of the diner reviewer. I am committing myself to the following things for 2009 in no particular order:
1. Having more fun.
2. Finding funny things in the year.
3. Taking slightly better care of myself.
4. Blogging consistently. (sadly the world needs The Diner Review)
5. Try and find something fulfilling to do.. or more fulfilling to do. This does not really mean a new job. In fact in this economy it definitely does not mean that.
6. Learn how to bake bread at home
7. Having more fun (did I say that?)
8. Not be wrong about anything big.
Disasters of the year in no particular order:
1. Tim Russerts Death
2. Kirkwood City Hall shootings.
3. Economic collapse
4. $4.00 a gallon gas...for a while.
That seems like plenty.
In the mean time I solicit your advice...Humbly. Do we want the focus of this thing to be on:
*Diner reviews
*Book Reviews
*CD Reviews
*Concert Reviews
*Or What?
Help a brother out. In January we are going to be reviewing a couple of diner’s south of the border (the St. Louis County border) and doing the best of 2008 thing and then some Obama stuff. Should be a hoot. God’s Blessings in 09. Lets make it a funny, fulfilling year.
A focus for the blog? Let's face it: your musical tastes are obscure, to put it nicely. As for anything food related, those who know you know that you have a very troubled intestinal tract, so no to that as well. I'm not sure you can read. Would strongly suggest social/political commentary as your strong suit.
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Focusing on a topic will merely create additional pressure and anxiety, and let's face it, you've already been overserved on those. The Diner Review is defined by the breadth of its content, the subtle undercurrent of the Lutheran zeitgeist and your unique perspective on the human condition.
wow, could not have said it better than Lamont and John. Very impressive. Also very impressed by your...courage...in listing the [many]things you were wrong about this year. I would list mine but they are so few. Do not understand this "Lutheran zeitgeist" thing but I'm going with it.
The above comment has it spot on. Breadth of content and such. yes.
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