Soooo seriously...once again... I have oddly mum about the Obama Presidency. I think i am too scared he is going to fail to be too cynical or ironic about it. He needs to pull our country together to get something done that we have not seen in this country in my lifetime. So I continue to leave him alone and what he is trying to do. I think if certain Democrats and Republicans stand in the way of his programs that they will be vilified and crushed. I really do. The Republican Congressman proposing that the economic stimulus should all be tax cuts may be literally dragged out in the street and beaten like the truly craven and intellectual dishonest people that they are. Trying to huck votes in their conservative districts back home regardless of the consequences. To quote Animal House....”Nierdermeyer....DEAD!”.
I did hear an interesting discussion that piqued my interest regarding what to call what we are going through as a country. “The Greater Depression” was one suggestion. “The Great Comeuppance” was another. I am interested in the naming of this thing. my current thought, “The Deprecession”. Think on it. I do believe you can do better.

So lets talk about something fun....BLAGO, BLAGO,BLAGO, BLAGO! Where has he been hiding for the last 6 years? I know he was haunting the Illinois legislature. I know that he spent as much time in Springfield over the last 6 years as a prize hog at the State Fair (about 4 days before being judged.... and slaughtered). But who ever thought we in St. louis had this kind of crazy right next door. Not this guy. In another day without politically aggressive United States Attorneys, in an age without a 24 hour news cycle... this guy with the bad hair and the big attitude might have been the new Kingfish. There was a time when this was all just good political theatre and by telling the same lies to enough people you could sell it. By being bigger then life and by demagoguing about being a champion of the common people... you could convince people.
I mean he has great hair. That should count for something. I am watching him on FOX... interview number 32 or so... where he explains that all he wanted was to head to Springfield, put some witnesses on and defend himself but they will not let him. Of course he did not contest the rules they set up, until the start of the trial. I mean Illinois has been a crooked place for years, top to bottom but this Kabuki theatre, this low comedy is unbelievable. He goes on shows and talks about when he was arrested and compares himself to Gandhi, Martin Luther King... what about Elvis. I remember that time in the movie Gandhi when Ben Kingsley (playing Gandhi) says to the British about his hunger strike and imprisonment... “this is golden...I am not letting this go for nothing... I want money”. Great leaders one and all.

Now it is two days later. Blago appeared before the Illinois house today and made a long rambling defense of himself. It was.... more theatre. The guy is really just too much. So I was trying to think, if I was arrested... would I compare my suffering with all those great people that he identified himself with? If I was arrested for any reason i would identify with people similar to Gandhi, Mandela and martin Luther King. I would identify with.... first of all Otis from the Andy Griffith show, then maybe Sean Penn from Falcon and Snowman, and finally Ray Liotta’s character in “Goodfellas”. but that is just me. I tend to self aggrandize..... but seriously, watching this guy self destruct.... in prime time.... unbelievable.
1 comment:
Nicely done, especially the comparison to Otis. Unfortunately for Illinois, Blago isn't going to "sleep it off." Everyone is better off without him.
Hope all is well. John Meyers
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