That being the case in February I am going to:
1. Not drink unless it is an even with people who I like. Tuesdays with Kowert would not be such an “event”. Wednesdays with Sievers would not be such an event. It would have to people I do not see all the time. In addition to this I will not drink at home... before bed... or when alone...watching TV... or... well you get the idea.
2. I am fat. I am at my all time high weight. 201 LBs. I am not tall enough to carry 201 pounds unless of course I am playing tight end in the NFL and am working out every day (I am not). What this means is that I have to exercise 3 times a day during February. Hot yoga one day... and something the other two. I am thinking just doing as many sit up and push ups as I can do every night. That is week but it is something. I am also going to try and not eat like a hog. So exercise and diet.
3. No spending money. I know I am making the economy worse and should be out there running up credit cards and buying things but.... it is the month of cutting back.
4. Work really hard. The economy is bad. I am good at a bad economy and for the good of my firm need to bust my ass.
5. I will weigh myself every day.
6. I will not discuss my progress with other people or complain about it.
7. I will not quit.
The last two will likely be the hardest because, I am, above all else... a quitter. I think I should weigh in at about 203, my all time high weight. We will see. February is of course seasonal affective disorder month anyway as I have documented in the past. So if I am going to be unhappy in the month. Might as well be really, totally miserable... right?
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