Well,... another school year has ended and as you take stock you need to realize that your parents are doing the same. I know that some of you are fine Christian young adults who will soon be morphing into very average, marginally employable college graduates.
If that is you or you are on that track you can stop reading because your parents are OK with you. They know that between their cash, some loaned and some student jobs, the dollars have been well spent and soon, perhaps too soon you will be joining their unhappy ranks If, however you are a normal college student or perhaps my son you should PAY ATTENTION!
Your parents have invested another $30,640.00 (according to the Princeton Review) in your education for another year. Lets think on that. My son is a Communcations major with a focus on Journalism. In St. Louis we have one dying paper but in Chicago BOTH major papers are in bankruptcy proceedings. Yet even though my son... my deeply troubled son... writer of a column named “Beckers Banter” which can best be described as “annoying” has decided to be a Journalism major...a major with the same future as someone who might or might not be able to operate a printing press, we have cobbled together another $30,640.00 for tutition at this fine university.
Think on it this way. Between your loans, aid and your parents cash your father could buy 30,640 Pabst Blue Ribbons at a local Valparaiso bar. Even with Indiana’s high gas prices it is like 12,256 gallons of gas (think how far you could drive from Valparaiso with that). If your dad likes to go bet on the Kentucky Derby it is 15,320 dailty double tickets. For you, or your dad it would be 30949 iTunes downloads. Think of the cool library you could put on you computer with that kind of coin.Remember that I am spending this money on a young man who spent the better part of high school drawing “Ligers” and wearing “Vote For Pedro” t-shirts. A child, who though now 21 and about to turn 22 is writing “substantive” papers about L’il Wayne.

The bottom line is that it is the end of the year and you need to take stock. What exactly do you plan to do when you graduate? If your answer is “move back home with my parents” then perhaps it is time to take stock. Perhaps... like my son you should consider a trade school. There is always a need for ditch diggers, welders, and people who work with concrete. In barack Obamas America we are going to building things. If less physically inclined then perhaps you might want to think about using that tuition money and moving to Mumbai and staffing a credit card companies calling station. Believe me, you could be that annoying if you tried.
It might be best all things considered that you not think about any of these things. The economy is in the toilet. Try and finish this semester strong and try and limp back for another year (perhaps your 5th) and then get a degree. The best news is that God in his mercy and Grace is going to find a way to use you to his purpose. In the mean time, hide in college as long as you can and learn a useful skill... maybe Foosball. Just a thought. Also.... be nice to your parents. The time and money we have invested in you scares us to death.
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