Soooo... it is Sunday and all the good little kubists have been to church. Despair hangs heavy in wantonbecker land. The bully nazis from North Carolina and that jackbooted thug Tyler Hansbrough beat the crap out of the poor Villanova Wildcars in a game that was to be fair...”never close”. Still these things happen. At the same time Michigan State playing a virtual home-game played over their heads and beat the dreaded man mountains of U-Conn and the much vaunted, transcendent, better then other other league in the country, Big East is...”poof”... gone. It was a fun hame to watch. Even though wantonbecker has a bracket with Michigan State winning it all he still finishes sadly... out of the money.
We are down to two scenarios. If Michigan State wins it is John (the Wizard) Winstroer and if the hated Tar Heels prevail Daniel (I do not know my own name) Lurkins wins. I might take it upon myself to do disparaging profiles of each of the potential champions prior to Mondays game.

You of course are all invited to chez Kukla for the Monday night viewing party. Please rsvp to our tournament koordinator for a head count but Kukla and Becker will be in attendance so it will be...stupid.
1 comment:
Am concerned my bracket was not properly registered as i think i picked all correct. I have checked my chads and believe i may be in the process of being robbed.
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