Sooooooo.... it is all over and Michigan State shocks the world and beats North Carolina in one of the most exciting NCAA final game of all time. For those of you who went to bed early Michigan State who was down by 25 at one point rallied in the last three minutes with 15 consecutive three pointers, three of which were drilled by their coach Tom Izzo coming off the bench. A shocked Tyler (lower first round at best) Hansbrough sat sobbing on the NC bench like a little baby girl as MSU fans celebrated jubilantly! It was quite a spectacle.
Meanwhile KUBE had it’s annual and now legendary finals party at chez Kukla. The Kukla theatre room could not contain the 200 plus guests including Paris Hilton and the full roster of the 2009 Yankees. Fortunately Kukla has recently added a few bowling lanes and an ice rink Kukla describes as “smallish”. Evidently the rink is large enough for NHL teams but not large enough for European play. Kukla is thinking about litigation but anyway.... The guests were treated with great hospitality as we were served food catered by Annie Gunns.

Eventually Kukla’s neighbors called the police and party wound down around 4:00 A.M. A good time was had by all. When this reporter left Don’s wife maria was sitting sobbing on the front porch of their once lovely home.
Of course the Michigan State win means that John Winstroer won the KUBE! Even if they had lost John would have won do to the fact that he was the only potential winner in attendance, the others having evidently bagged the party after watching the Cardinals CRUSH the Pirates in opening day action. Don peeled Winstroers winnings from a large wad of bills wrapped in an old rubber band he keeps in his front right pocket and Winstroer was last seen running naked across the Greenbriar Hills Golf Course. The video of this should be posted on You Tube later today... or on the “The Big Dirty” which seems to be becoming a family tradition. Even if Michigan State would not have edged out the hated Tarheels, and even if Lurkens would have been in attendance, the Kukla modified scoring system probably would have resulted in a last minute upset so...congratulation John Winstroer. Sorry North Carolina (haters) fans.
You deadbeats who have not paid as of yet...WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE! You will be allowed to play or not play next year at the discretion of the KUBE Koordinator. We also know where your children go to school. You have been warned.
This years KUBE was the best ever. Next year of course it will need to be bigger. In times of economic distress AND economic recovery...America needs the KUBE. I will not be satisfied until we have 500 people playing the KUBE.
Until next year...keep it stupid and remember we are all:
“Stupid People Doing Stupid Things!”
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