"It's the MOST wonderful time.... of the year."
I know you think of that as a Christmas type thing but this is really the most wonderful time of the year. it is time to ROCK the KUBE. We REALLY need the KUBE nation to rock the house this year. It is time for each and every one of you to GET OFF Of YOUR ASSES and bring 10 new people into the KUBE. We have set a personal goal of 500.... that is right 500 kontestants this year. Life the dream. Make it happen! if we do this that means we will have 5k in the pot and after konsiderable KUBE expenses we fully expekt to have at least 750 dollars in prize money to divide up. Maybe even 500 dollars which would be almost 10 percent of the pool with only 90% going to KUBE ekspenses. That is better then the United way people and this money aat least goes to really needy people. Me and Kukla.
I know the Democrats are dragging us towards socialism and communism and every other ism. I know the Tea Party is pulling, pushing and kicking and screaming back. But now is the time for us to pull together. Now is the time for Kubism. Even in the worst of time we can all still pull together to really stupid and pointless things... together. I personal;ly will go out tonight and buy lottery tickets. Why, well the pot is up to 200 million and the lottery is after all the stupid tax. I HAVE GOT TO PAY! maybe you cannot get out and play the lottery but you can play the KUBE.
Look at college basketball this weekend. Watch the conference tournaments. The Billikens, bubble team and prpbably not in. Mizzou, HUMILIATED by Nebraska and still in the tournament. Illinois... only if the impossible happens. But there are still great teams and significiant cheering interests. Join with me and rally AGAINST the basketball royalty of Kansas, Duke, Syracuse, kentucky and all the rest. My final four, New mexico, Baylor, Northern Iowa and Maryland. You heard it here first.

Lets get it together people. Gather yhe bodies now. Direct them to the web site and lets get the bodies. I am looking for the Kukla kid to open up a whole new market in New Mexico (go Cavemen) and for his daughter and future son in law to mine the Dallas Ft. Worth Area as well. We have Gates Kalifornia Konnektions, we have King holding down Central Ohio but we need nationwide koverage. LETS GET TO WORK!
Stupid People Doing Stupid Things... and turning around the economy all by ourselves.
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Love the photo
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