So it is Saturday! Most of the fun has been had. There has been a lot of great basketball and even more very average basketball but it has been one of the most enjoyable tournaments to watch in a long time. From Kansas taking a dive early to the Butler Bull Dogs. Sure the hated Duke Blue Demons are still in but Ohio State....GONE!
Some Knotes:
1. This is the beatdown Kukla has been sending out by email. He also has gotten private investigator to find where the kontestants kids go to school. If the kontestants who have not paid are kids he has the investigator find out about pets. Brutal:
"Kongratualtions - your lack of good sportsmanship has moved you to the next level of name calling and bashing by KUBE Korp. You are now part of the elite group who have yet to pay for your KUBE Klassik entry fees or respond to previous requests to make arrangements for payment.
Having to become a kollection agency is THE WORST PART of running the pool. RESPOND TO THIS E-MAIL ASAP and let me know how you plan to pay your entry fees. USE PAYPAL and get it done right now!!! Or, risk being banished from all future KUBE events!"
Wow. Here are the people that The Donald hires to kollect.

2. People have been wondering who won the Long Shot Award. Naturally I was hesitant to even report it when I found it was....wait for it....wait for it.... one of Kukla's relatives. Laurie Lakota-Guda (of the hyphenated names) Don wrote to me:
"Laurie reminded me that she actually won the KUBE in '03 - picking Syracuse to win it all - using her "system" - which she also used this year. The "system" consists of choosing the team with the fewest losses during the regular season to win the game in question in the brackets. It looks like she is on to something."
While this heart warming story is touching it is of course a lie. My first question is about where Ms. Hyphenated even exists or Don just makes up entries and when these "people" win prizes through Don's arcane kalkulations he pockets the kash. Either that or the answer is that our long shot winner picks her choices through an arcane ritual involving chicken bones, the entrails of birds and a pentangle. Something unholy has gone on.
3. Kukla has of course gone on the lamb. You will notice as you wake up this morning that the Friday Standings have not been posted. The reasons for same are that he is in Louisville. I called him late last night and amid the sounds of partying, privately hired "models" and raucous music he told me that he was in "Louisville" (right) at a "La Ca Crosse Tournament". This of course is code for "Partrying in Rio with Kube Money". (La Crosse by the way is an ancient Indian game co-opted by kids at Country Day who play the game with sticks, the head of a homeless man and of course.... other peoples money).
4. How about those Butler Bulldogs. We do have one Kontestant who picked the Bull Dogs to win it all. We watched early in the year when they lost heartbreakingly to Duke and we all pray this will not happen again. Butler for those of you who do not know is a small private school in Indianapolis where basketball was invented at the Hinkle Feild House. Butler has a proud academic tradition and graduates several of it's seniors each year into exciting fields such as custodial maintenance, minor crime and of course development for not for profits. The Mulvahill family started the University back in the 1800's.
5. It was heartening for my friends from Michigan to have Michigan State move on but it was hateful to see it happen at the expense of the Northern Iowa Panthers.
Tomorrow we will all of course be attending services to pray that the lord strikes down the Duke Team and that Jim Blair does not win our beloved tournament. See you there.
1 comment:
Ummmm, this is awful as i think i can't win. I hate all of you,
Larry H.
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