The KUBE also ended with a bang instead of a whimper. Henry (mo Money) Warshaw won the whole damn thing. He skipped the Berkeshire Hathaway annual meeting in Omaha so that he could really, really focus on his brackets. His choice of the Wisconsin Badgers to win it all was inspired, brilliant and just good enough with all of his other masterful picks to win it all. Henry of course invests for a lot of people and we all hope that he continues his quality picks for his clients. The SEC will likely be opening up an investigation of his company on Friday based on this new "investment vehicle" that he found which yielded him a 135 times return on his investment. He is doing a new offering in the company in early 2011 to fund his brackets next year. We wish him luck.
The Mulvahill.... ahhh the Mulvahill. This young man, to be married in three short months flinched and finished out of the money when Haywards gritty shots went awry. He is muddling though bravely and claims that he will "put away the Jamiesons and go back to work when Butler wins the national championship next year." Good heart Tom.

So out winner was Warshaw, second was a man known as Mark Brandom. Mark funded his bracket pics with TARP money and there is again some talk of another FDIC investigation. The rich get richer. All except for our third place finisher Jim Blair. His staff filled out his brackets for him Tom Blair, noted local philanthropist and do gooder is lobbying Warshaw and Brandom to follow his lead as he has evidently already agreed to donate his winnings either to:
1. The Butler Alumni Club
2. Tom Mulvahill's Honeymoon Fund
3. Tom Mulvahill's Employer (Friends of Kids With Cancer)
Way to lead by example Jim!
the KUBE Finals party was an unprecedented success with the best and brightest of St. louis glitteratti in attendance. The party was well attended with at least 15 KUBE players eating chic fil et nuggets, white castles (Henry ate 9) as well as home made Kukla pulled pork a home cooked ham and some duck thing wrapped in bacon. Becker celebrated by drinking too much. Maria Kukla locked herself in the bedroom sobbing at the random people Becker had invited to her house. Mrs Sandra Becker commented on "what a nice party this is without any of those Kowert/Winstroer people! Hard to argue with. David Kowert has assured me that they will be back next year even though his cousin deadbeat Jaime still owes us 10 bucks. As of this date he and two unidentified and unrelated Beckers are the only ones who remain unpaid. We know where you live.
Thanks for playing the greatest KUBE ever. Please make my dream of 500 participants come true for next year! There is talk of going exclusively to master card/pay pal for next year so be ready, talk it up among your friend, participate and come to the party. Be well and have an awesome 2010! From all your friends at KUBE!
Never forget our motto: "STUPID PEOPLE DOING STUPID THINGS!"
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