Why should we do this? Why am I so much in favor of such a large, violent edifice on what has always been a peaceful border? There are a lot of reasons and most of them are pretty well documented.
1. They are taking our jobs. It is clear that they work for lower wages and whether it is due to their lack of education inbreeding or lack of opportunity they are dragging their dirty worthless behinds north of the border and stealing jobs from our tax paying, God fearing, legal citizens.
2. They will not learn our language. They come up here with their strange language and strange customs and they corrupting our culture!
3. They are using our health care system and running up huge bills here. While I understand that their health care is inferior to ours that does not give them the right to a free ride.
4. They are sending their children to our schools. Using up our superior education system.
5. Two words....”ANCHOR BABIES”! Some of these stupid, sad foreign people from the south are moving up here and having babies who automatically become members of our State and make it harder for us to send them back.
6. One word...DRUGS! Our State never, ever had a crystal meth problem until the immigrants came north.
7. Inbreeding. We do not want these people intermarrying with our sons and daughters.
So it is time for harsh action. I know it will be expensive and unpopular with the soft hearted but this wall/moat/mine zone needs to run from Southwest City all the way to Cooter! Also it might be time to straighten the border out and get rid of the boot heel and run it straight across which will also give us most of Bull Shoals Lake. I know it seems like over reaction but Arkansans are not like us. They speak a different language. They have little or no education. They are dirty. They are sickly. They manufacture bad drugs. They bass fish more effectively than us and they have GOT TO BE STOPPED! I am sick of the arguments. I know it seems inhuman to keep them in such a dirty, stupid inhumane place but they will eventually take over our State and our language. Arkansas is 41st in the country while we are 31st here in Missouri. That was a real eye opener for me WTF Nebraska?
I am concerned generally that our State Government is doing nothing. Despite our current Secretary of States BRILLIANT effort to pass an immigration law in 2007,
and our legislators continual efforts to address our States terrible immigration problem,

If this works out we might be able to put one to the north as well. The Iowans have always seemed creepy to me.
Write you legislator. Take action now! Defend our borders from people who wear plastic hog heads. If we do not stop them now who knows what might happen.... we might end up in the Southeast Conference! Oh the humanity!
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