Soooooo..... Look, I have to apologize in advance because I had have mislead you. I am not depressed this February.... and it is KILLING me. This is the time every year that I write about February, depression and my favorite February obsession....Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Instead, here we are half way through the dreaded, dreadful month and...well... I don’t know how to say this but I feel OK. Perhaps it is being self employed. Perhaps it is having my children all gone. I don’t know. My job is busy. I have been working 7 days a week. my wife is working 7 days a week. My Church still does not have a pastor but... everything is kind of OK. In fact it might be good.
My guess is that it is the mild winter we have had. I hate to be cold. I really hate a cold biting wind. But it has not been like that. It has been one of the warmest winters I remember and it has been awesome. In January and early February when there are days you do not need a coat...well, that rocks. Maybe it will be like this year after year and I will never have to be sad again in this darkest of all months. I got up Friday morning and heard the song birds singing and just thought....OOOOOOHHHHHHH NOOOOOO! If things run at all true to form the end of the month or the month of March will have tons of snow and hard freezes and these poor little song birds will be crushed...like February tends to crush the very light of the soul.
But lets move on to other things. Had breakfast again Saturday at 11 Mile House. For first half hour I was the only one there other that the guy sweeping the floors and the chatty waitress. The bacon was chewy but other than that it was a perfectly serviceable breakfast. I will give them a few more tries on Saturday morning. one morning I will have a bottle of Busch and play the jukebox at 7:00 A.M. That will be a good day my friends.

After all is said and done
Gotta move while it's still fun
Let me walk before they make me run
After all is said and done
I gotta move, it's still fun
I'm gonna walk before they make me run!
With Keith Richard’s rasping the lyrics while he was facing criminal charges in Toronto and recording in Paris... it is just a great angst song. The bonus tracks on the reissue are voluminous and include great songs like “So Young”, “Tallahassee Lassie” and Hank’s “You Win Again”. It is worth buying on iTunes or in the store. Relive it, and if “Beast of Burden” is not the best break up song ever...kiss my ass.

Really? Really Republicans? In a year when our economy is the issue. When Big government is THE Problem... you are going to run a converted big government, earmarking Senator who got fired from his own State after one term? I agree the guy is like able though I have in protest stopped wearing sweater vests which he has at least temporarily ruined for me. If you run him, instead of the election being about Big Government which is the election you want, it is going to be about Gay Marriage and Contraception (not even abortion but contraception).
Quote: "One of the things I will talk about, that no president has talked about before, is I think the dangers of contraception in this country.... Many of the Christian faith have said, well, that's okay, contraception is okay. It's not okay. It's a license to do things in a sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be."
As a Christian I might agree with some of this. As a sometime libertarian this stuff really frightens me. As a human being I am mortified.
Quote: "In far too many families with young children, both parents are working, when, if they really took an honest look at the budget, they might find they don't both need to. ... What happened in America so that mothers and fathers who leave their children in the care of someone else — or worse yet, home alone after school between three and six in the afternoon — find themselves more affirmed by society? Here, we can thank the influence of radical feminism."
Really? It has nothing to do with the fact that a high school educated man can no longer go out and find a job that supports a family? It is all the radical feminists fault? let me be clear, I hate radical feminists, but reading stuff like this makes me think i would rather have a beer and argue with them than sit with this self satisfied goof with all the answers.
And finally this, though there are more:
Quote: "If the Supreme Court says that you have the right to consensual [gay] sex within your home, then you have the right to bigamy, you have the right to polygamy, you have the right to incest, you have the right to adultery. You have the right to anything. Does that undermine the fabric of our society? I would argue yes, it does. ... That's not to pick on homosexuality. It's not, you know, man on child, man on dog, or whatever the case may be. It is one thing."
I like a conservative Christian man who is really going to spend a lot of time being out there in front of the battle against “gay sex”. WTF? As near as I can tell there is no one under 40 who holds these views. I know that is a generalization but I mean we need to deal with the world as it is and it has moved on. even if Rick has not.
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