Soooooo.... the Missouri Legislature appears to go out of it’s way to look stupid and more importantly to open up our State for continued ridicule and derision. What other State in an election year, when State budgets are way past tight and needing to be cut, holds a primary election to do....(wait for it).... NOTHING?
Here is what KC Star said: http://www.kansascity.com/2012/02/03/3409159/steve-kraske-missouri-primary.html
Apparently the STL Post Dispatch does not have the resources to report on something like this. There is also a fun little web site called http://wasted8milliondollars.com/ that has a little to say. I guess that it happened like this. Missouri’s genius, term limited, angry Republican controlled legislature determined that they wanted a bigger voice like South Carolina and Florida to pick a President and so moved our primary date up. YAY! They did this despite Republican and Democratic national Committee rules which say a State that holds primaries prior to March 1 loses half it’s delegates. A few are approved to do so, New Hampshire, Iowa etc... I don’t know if South Carolina is and I know Florida is not. Florida did this 4 years ago by the way and the parties of course restored their delegates at the conventions. Tough love. Evidently the Missouri legislators got spooked and decided not to have any gumption and challenge the stranglehold a few backward, non representative States have on the process and decided to have the Republicans pick their delegates by caucus on March 17 by which time the Republican nomination should be locked up by someone not named Newt.
The Republican legislature did try to fix this by sending a bill to Jay Nixon to move the primary date but the bill of course also had other elements to it like limiting Nixon’s ability to pick a successor if the Attorney General resigns. They also had a chance to over ride the veto but some legislators elected not to show up to vote that day. Brilliant! Geniuses! I assume that every time the legislature gets together that they convene a MENSA meeting. Where do we find these people? WHy can’t we do the simplest things correctly? In a time of austerity how many millions will be wasted on a meaningless primary, and how many back door deals will be cut in the upcoming caucuses? These guys cannot shoot straight.
So what to do? I believe that it is an obligation and privilege to vote even when the system is bungled so badly as to make the system meaningless. How do I cast a protest vote? Should I write in Howard the Duck? The Silver Surfer? Either would be excellent choices but I am too lazy to go to the hassle of writing someone in because I like the computer voting. So perhaps I pull the trigger and vote for another mythical character, Herman Cain! I am ready for his comeback. As the tea party slowly starts to hold their nose and accept the chameleon Romney as their best way to get the socialist, communist, social activist black man out of office I am more than ready for a Cain Comeback! But here is a place where you can review the Sample Ballot so you can be prepared to cast your meaningless vote:
WHOA! Keith Drummond is on the Ballot! I believe I have changed my mind. Keith’s website (which tells you nothing) can be found at http://www.drummond2012.com/ . He is from Houston, seems angry and looks to be the right guy for the job. Where do I get my lawn sign?

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