Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Barack Obama's America

OK...so it is inauguration day. And it was a big day. I went to a place where I could watch and here and,,,eat. Eating is good. My over all impressions of the entire event are good, in fact very good. Since the election i have not had much to say. In my mind there has not been much to say. President Obama has done what he said he would do and out economy continued to devolve. i have a lot of opinions about that devolution but what I know is that all of my opinions come with so much baggage, and almost malice towards the Bush administration that i cannot write anything that is...”fair and balanced” like FOX would have it.

I am excited to have a new President. I am excited to have a President who can speak. Who can speak correctly, with authority and with a modicum of respect for the language because language is a powerful thing. His speech was not the iconic dream speech that a lot of people wanted but it was a really good speech. he hit on all the right spots and made all the right points. As i type this I am watching Bill O’Reilly tell me it was a good speech. I watch FOX. I watch it because I want to know what the other guys are thinking. They seem reasonably impressed despite their obvious dislike for any Democrat.

It was exciting to watch. The Warren opening was non-eventful other then his scandalous mention of Jesus. At least some people thought it was. I thought it was a nice opening albeit long. My personal high points are pointed and petty but it was as follows:

1. The instrumental played by Yo Yo Ma and Itzhak Perlman and some other people really made me tear up when played along with the scenes of those thousands standing in the mall. My son was there and I was so happy that he was. Who knows whether this guy will be transforming but God (big G) knows that he needs to be.

2. I was excited to see Bush get on a helicopter and fly off.

3. Sadly, and pettily I was pleased to see Cheney in a wheel chair. This is a very poor reflection on me as a person but my loathing of this man, who I once admired has run rampant over what I know is right which is sympathy and charity towards all, including those who you do not like.

4. The speech. The speech was good, even great. Not life changing.

5. Seeing all those people out on the mall. What a throng. It appears no one got hurt other then some frost bite.

The expectations of this speech were so high that they could not be met but he is such a good speaker. I could hear this guy read the phone book and it would be somewhat compelling. I do not know where this speech had any lines that will be remembered through time but quoting the Bible that it is time to put aside childhood things seemed compelling. What I know is that our nation needs a leader like we have never needed a leader before. I pray that he is the one.
The stock market tanked today. It is no longer a rational market.

Looking at the man and the way he handled himself through a stressful, long day... he looks like a leader. He comes in with confidence and a persona. he comes in with the hopes of America and the world on his back. He also has the good will of the world, and half of America. We have elected a very intelligent, well spoken man. He will work hard for us. I will pray for him. So should you.

I have always been proud to be an American. l always felt blessed to be here. Today... more so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Spot on with your points sir. I became emotional with the Simple Gifts musical number as well.

Best line of the speech:
we reject as false the choice between our safety and our ideals.