Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Return To Honor Rally: A Little Filler c/o timheidecker

OK. For starters I am ambivalent about Twitter. I am trying to use and embrace and it has some nice aspects but... I don't know. Additionally i have no idea who Tim Heidecker is. One of the musicians I follow started to retweet his coverage of the "Restoring Honor rally in DC. Now to be fair, I hate Glen beck. I feel like he divides, his speech is hateful and it speaks to the worst in all Americans that somehow they are victims and society, politicians and the liberal media have "taken" something from them and from America. He is a demagogue. he is an entertainer but 10-20% of our population hangs on every word he says and urges me to "get educated". Whatever. I do not care a wit that he held the rally on the anniversary of King's speech. If it is a holy day and a holy place (see 9/11 Mosque) then let Al Sharpton reserve the day and place for the next twenty years for his band of haters and idiots. Dr. King provided a brave and valuable service to our country, not just blacks or minorities but the whole country. An idiot pissing on where he did it and "reclaiming" the civil rights movement" for over weight, white middle class people is not even a joke. Still.... these Tweets...several of them made me laugh out loud. I give you....The Tweets of Tim Heidecker:

Wonder if anyone ever named their dog Mark

Who's watching lunaticfest 2010

I am at "restoring honor" rally. Tv not covering this but there are mass drownings occurring in the reflecting pool.

In line waiting to get into the crucifixion tent. Grown man naked, covered in blood, screaming right in front if me #restoringhonor

Holy shit! Just saw my first crucifixion! No pics allowed :( It was a dishonorable Chinese woman #restoring hono

Buying one of these "hope" medals for $75 at the merch tent. Also picking up a gallon of oil for the boiling rally later. #restoringhonor

Beck just awarded the charity medal to himself and announced that he is is a "proud pedophile" #restoringhono

ALOT of people are leaving #restoringhono

Beck strongmen have created a perimeter. No one is allowed to leave the area. #restoringhonor

special operations goons wielding swords! Let the beheadings begin!! #restoringhonor

I've been handed a sword and asked to show my loyalty by beheading a dishonorable child. Should I do it?? #restoringhonor

There are free t-shirts at the Boiling tent. Also, I've been poisoned. #restoringhonor

Brody Stevens to take the stage any moment #restoringhonor

@neilhamburger to receive comedy medal. Beck giving him 20 minutes #restoringhonor

Just had a funnel cake. Now at the castrating tent. It is hot, busy and slippery. #restoringhonor

@timheidecker You dishonored the rally by abusing the free shirt tent. Seriously, how many eagle flag shirts do you need? #RestoringHonor

I've been given a lottery number. The "winner" will be impaled atop the Washington monument. Energy getting weird here #restoringhonor

Beck had me until he called for the "end of all the animals on earth and in the sea!!" what are we supposed to eat, glenn?? #restoringhonor

Oh shit! Beck just plucked out his own eye balls and swallowed them. Stunned silence sweeps over crowd


Limbless Beck rolling around in pool of his own blood. His mic has cut out but I think he's screaming "you'll die tonight!"

Patrick Stewart in Scrooge makeup doing scenes from Christmas Carol on top of Beck corpse. Confusion.

40-50 children in Alf costumes have been dropped from a helicopter onto the mainstage. What a pile! #restoringhonor

Surviving cast of Star Trek II reenacting final Spock death scene. Moving. #restoringhonor

Did you happen to notice Stephen Baldwin walking around wearing a druid robe, holding a bag of live rats?

Some kind of "priest" just set a match to a gasoline drenched (and grammy award winning) JEFF Beck! Cleansing!

True heroes: DC's sanitation dept who must clean up all the blood and guts spilled today in Lord Beck's Honor

Lord Beck asking ALL Americans to "stare at the sun this afternoon and wait for further instructions." #restoringhonor

"good night everybody" *glenn beck twirls cape, disappears into puff of smoke*

1 comment:

Jessie said...

Following Tim Heidecker now.

I have no idea who he is, either.

This is awesome.