1. Hillary cried. Sure it was not much of a cry. just a little catch in her voice. And it might have all been staged but I don’t think so. I think she is calculating enough to pull up something like that whenever she needs and frankly.... I applaud her for it. But seriously... who would ever think that Hillary would cry. She has watched her husband publicly bang woman on top of woman (literally and figuratively), watched a health care plan go down in flames, been abused and reviled (really hatefully) by every conservative pundit in the world... and never shed a tear. But on the day before the biggest election thus far in her life she suddenly shows ...humanity. And it strikes a cord in the women of New Hampshire and they rush to her side in the voting booth because she is no longer the ice princess.

3. I am sure that is a cruel, small minded over simpflication too. So here is what it is. Hillary is a really smart, really talented women who happened to be married to one of the more popular Presidents of our time during a period of almost unrivaled prosperity for our country. She really is a complete package. Sure I hate her but I do not have any good reasons other then she always seemed cold and I always thought that if I were Bill i would have cheated on her as well. But she really is a complete package and she has earned everyone’s respect. Obama is a dream and he has not earned the position that he has other then through his eloquence. But after living through 7 years of a President who has no respect for the language... how great would it be to have someone who could actually speak... and perhaps... care... and hope. So the bottom line is they are both great candidates for ....dare I say it...change.
So... it is on to the other primaries and caucuses. we will see how it shakes out but in the words of a great American...”I have a dream”. I have a dream of hotly contested primaries in both parties leading to conventions where there is no preset candidate. I dream of great speeches and people thinking and speaking BIG THOUGHTS about what our country could be if we could get by abortion and gay marriage and prayer in school and flag burning. Our president has failed us. He protected us but missed the opportunity to inspire us and the world to be something better and i pray this new leader will be the one to help us prepare the world for our kids rather then to use it up and hand them a husk which is where we are heading. I dream of this process being one, even as the candidates fight for the nomination...uniting us as we have not been towards the goal of once again leading the world and being the the candle in the dark and the city on the hill. The world needs for us to do this. the world needs it now. Although I have picked my horse in Obama I dream that whether it is him or someone else that the cream rises to the top and we are gifted with a real leader to end this fear mongering and darkness which has enveloped us since 9-11.
On another level and related to nothing... it is a good day. Had a busy week at work, had breakfast at Goody Goodys this morning for a nice Saturday breakfast on Natural Bridge. Worked this morning and then ran some errands, worked in the yard and now off to watch a playoff game and have a few beers. That is a nice day.
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