So why this fascination with change? We are in a war in Iraq... our economy looks to be entering a period where it is in an absolute shambles but all these folks can talk about is...change? I like change. Every year or so I take a cigar box I have filled with pocket change and take it to a coinstar machine and take the money and go play poker with it. But I think of change as something homeless people are interested in, not the leaders of the free world.
Obama appears to have “invented” change much in the same was Al Gore invented the internet back in the 2000 race. Hilary says she has already worked hard for change and has made a lot change in the past. My question is ... where? As Senator you do not have to make change. The First Lady does not historically make change. Wife of the Governor of Arkansas does not make a lot of change (unless she is turning tricks on the side). Before that she worked at The Rose Law Firm doing Whitewater deals and even though I have been an attorney (not in Arkansas) for 20 years I have never made change in that position. So when has she made change? At Yale? Perhaps as a girl in Chicago she worked at Mc Donalds? Doubtful.
Edwards never made change in his life unless he got change back from his hairdresser.
Romney says he is an agent of change but when to rich guys deal with change at all? Don’t they have people to do that for them?
There is a great Southpark episode where the town is beset upon by homeless people who just wander around uttering one word as they hold out their hands..."change?" I would love to run the episode with the current candidates photo shopped in as these characters. That would make me laugh.

Hilary cannot be a change agent. She is married to her husbands connections and although Bill used them skillfully and to some extent kept them at arms length. Hilary has gotten into bed with them metaphorically if not actually. She is dead and does not even know it and we will learn a lot about her character watching how she handles this unceremonious dumping. She could do more for her party and the country by agreeing to be Vice President but I think those of us who find her dislikable (though very smart and competent) might be uncomfortable even with that.
How about Edwards? The rich plaintiff lawyer with the good hair has beaten Hilary in Iowa and is making a genuine run but where does that get him? Another vice presidential race probably does fly for him but there should be a cabinet post for this guy in some type of domestic do gooder position. How about head of education or even making him the immigration czar. He certainly will not be the nominee unless Obama shoots himself in the head which in our modern media age could always happen.
The funniest thing was watching Romney try and catch the newest tune that he just heard. This guy sold his soul in order to try and get George Bush’s base which worked so well for the Republicans in 2000 and 2004. That base is no longer there. Watching him grab the wrong issue (immigration...yawn...most of us don’t care) now trying to say he is a change agent because of his consulting company experience and his Olympic experience is... absurd at best. he is deader then a doornail and he does not even know it. KMc Cain of course nailed him on Face the Nation when asked about Romney now claiming to be the agent of change. Mc Cain said, “well he certainly has changed his own positions a lot, maybe that is what he meant.” Thats tough.
It is best with all of these guys to remember what Ben Stein said on TV this morning. The power for any President to make meaningful change in any of our lives is almost nil. If we want our lives to change and our country to change these guys are not going to do it for us. Ultimately that rests on you and me.
One good note about New Hampshire is that Diners are getting great play on all the TV stations showing how the politicians work them. I am surprised that no one has contacted me so as to get some insight as to how to handle politicking in a diner. It has impressed upon me however a strong urge to head to New Hampshire. I was watching a place called Chez Vachon on CBS Morning news. Make me a reservation.

1 comment:
I deeply enjoyed this post on my man Barack. I agree the word "change" seems to be used more frequently everyday in this struggle, and it amuses me that Obama was the only one who figured out that people would appreciate that word early enough. But, I believe the first word that attracted me to Obama before this whole "change" theme blew up was the word "Hope" That means more to me. It means that this grassroots movement Obama has created gives hope to common citizens. For people that assume the only voices that matter are the lobbyists in DC; for people that have been too long intimidated by our agressive two-party system to choose a side; for people who are sick of another old fart senator or governor who is used to the game. We know Obama isn't immune to outside influence and I agree the only person that can beat him is himself. But the most important thing for me is getting people involved in this process again. Obama has said, "I'm asking you to believe. Not just in my ability to bring about real change...I'm asking you to believe in yours." Our individual influence is the most important thing. I liked your noting of Ben Stein's stance on the burden resting on 'you and me', but a leader who speaks directly to 'you and me' is what we need. Someone who keeps us posted on what is going on in Washington and makes us feel a little less distant from the process.
Anyway I have also been feeling some good vibes from Huckabee, but certainly agree with you that his strong religious conservative backing will eventually crucify him. But I am sorry, McCain scares the crap out of me. Either way I must say the Republicans are out of luck, and they did it to themselves. I mean is this the best bunch of nuts you could round up? When will this party learn to actually start representing the diverse group of people that make up this country. Well, I guess there are alot of old white guys that make up the majority of the voting population out there. One more thing I have HOPE for that Obama will change. At least the Democrats got together a few amusing characters that we cab tell the difference between and get us all excited.
Either way all this goes, maybe we get a little better tax break for the middle class, maybe we finally give Iraq what it wants and leave it alone while we search in a more probable location for our terrorists. No one is fixing healthcare, they've made that apparent. But if we throw someone in there that has a background in social work, can speak a whole sentence without making a fool of himself, and has a pinch of logic, integrity, and (God Forbid) humor, maybe we'll do alright. Maybe we will watch a speech or hear about a piece of legistlation he passed and sit back and say Huh, it works; it makes sense.
Well, thats enough rambling. Keep up the good work sir. I will be back.
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