As you can tell from my prior post I was... apprehensive about South Carolina. I was concerned that he and Hillary had been so unpleasant and unlikable to one another that they would shred each other. Instead Billary and their blasting of Obama looks to have galvanized the African American vote while not losing the young base he built in Iowa. I am VERY excited. 55% to 27% percent. That is a.... stomping....a bitch slapping... whatever you want to call it, it was big. Bigger then anything we have seen in any of the primaries. Edwards 18% is the death nell of his Presidential bid but he will soldier on because there is still a chance that he can be a power broker at the convention but... that looks less likely if Obama can keep moving.
Hillary is hard to love and Billary... the pair of them, with Bill beating up on people as Hillary tries to stay aloof... alienated a lot of people. I was worried that it worked the other way but God Bless the Democrats of South Carolina for staying the course. This seems momentus, perhaps bigger then Iowa and it renews my hope in the process and the country.
Edwards=Attorney General? That would scare the shit out of the top 1%. We might have an administration that would enforce anti trust laws again. I worry about what Obama will walk into if he wins. We really are up a creek but perhaps he can be transformational. I pray that is the case. it is a good night.
1 comment:
Sir, If I were solely relying on your blogging to inform me on the state of the democratic party and the electoral process...I would be an emotional wreck. Personally, I never doubted the strength Obama had in South Carolina. Perhaps that is just my blind optimism or my confidence in the African American vote that kept me calm, but I would like to think it was the hope that while Billary seemed to be getting a little under the skin of Obama and even got Edwards taking a few jabs at him, he would attempt to stay the course. While Hillary still holds comfortable advantages in larger states to come, I still detect a nervous panic about her. She's afraid that maybe there are a few of us out there that know the old game just isn't going to cut it anymore.
That being said, once we get this administration in there, I agree they've got a few major moves to make that are gonna scare the shit out of some people. But if the Democrats keep bringing forward a few good leaders, be it Obama or even Edwards at the front, we may see some work getting done and some handshakes across that wide aisle in Washington. If the top 1% don't like it, they can take a hike and let the other 99% get a say in the matter for once. They won't be getting another tax break or shelter this time around.
Well, whatever. See you after February 5th and then we can start getting serious about this.
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