Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
(To do this, go to 'notes' under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag a bunch of people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.
1. I am the luckiest guy I know... but I forget that a lot.
2. I love music, especially live music, especially if the guitarist is close enough to spit on me.
3. I never appreciated my parents enough, and still do not.
4. My father in law has probably been the biggest influence on my life.
5. I still have not peaked... unless maybe it happened in 8th grade, I don’t know.
6. If anything would compete with music as a passion, it would be books. I like to read them, read about them, hold them, feel them and yes... own them. And I like to have people borrow and/or steal them. I like books.
7. I watch too much TV.... and a lot of bad movies.
8. I have never lost 5 pounds in my life. I gain weight almost every year and it sits. It is... depressing.
9. I have a three main rules:
A. Never eat anything bigger then your head.
B. Never run unless your being chased.
I used to only have two rules but at a poker table in Vegas I learned another:
C. Never fry bacon in the nude.
10. Although I take my faith very seriously, I believe all of life's important lessons can be learned through watching “The Godfather” I and II over and over again.
11. On the matters of faith and politics, I keep getting more religiously conservative and more politically liberal. Which seems odd.
12. I got engaged in a liquor store parking lot in Hot Springs Arkansas.
13. Since being an adult I have had 5 dogs but the two I have now are probably the only ones I have really loved.
14. Oh... I have three children. Boy, boy, girl. 21, 19, 16. Jon, Pat, Laura. I have not paid enough attention to them. They still have turned out well despite having me as a father. (see number 1 above). I pick on them, make fun of them, speak poorly of them (especially in Christmas letters) and I am very, VERY proud of all three.
15. I am going to be graduation speaker at Holt Lutheran High School in Lansing Michigan. I am VERY excited.
16. I am not a very good cook but I love to cook and I love to feed people. I often cook things as kind of personal therapy. Baking is next.
17. I enjoy cheaper beer more then good beer. Busch is my beer of choice, then Stag, then Pabst. I used to be a wine snob. I got over it.
18. Some of my adult life’s best memories are at Camp Arcadia where I have met some incredible people.
19. I think God has better ways to use me then I am currently brave enough to deal with. Also on God... I do not think he gives a shit about sporting events. God is funny.
20. I wish I was not so weak.
21. If you cannot watch the Godfather I and II over and over again, the Sermon On The Mount tells you everything you need to know about how you should try and live your life. I fail 99% of the time to live that way.
22. I used to be real skinny, really blond and have feathered bangs.
23. I love the ocean, especially an ocean with big waves.
24 I quit a lot of things when they get too hard. I know a lot of my friends would have other opinions but I think it is my biggest failing.
25. My wife is a huge gift, a huge challenge and my biggest blessing. Hands down. I take an inordinate amount of pride in the fact that she loves me.
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