You Heard It Here First
Best Picture: Slumdog Millionaire
Actor in a Leading Role: Sean Penn: Milk
Actor in a Supporting Role: Heath Ledger: The Dark Knight
Actress in a Leading Role: Kate Winslett: The Reader
Actress in a Supporting Role: Penelope Cruz: Vicky Christina Barcelona
But why the Oscars? And why is the show always so shitty? WHy have I historically had to fall asleep before Best Picture? Shouldn’t people who are putting on a show about the movies that entertained us do a better job of entertaining us?
I have not watched it in years. Does Tom Hanks still host?
My selections above were based on my limited viewing of the nominees and the little buzz I have heard. The Dark Knight should have at least been nominated for Best Picture.
This was posted at 3:45 CST the day of the Oscars. I will make a typical 60% on my choices above, That is a Diner Review Guaranty.
1 comment:
The Joker is Batman begins is of course the only emotionally honest character in the movie. He is a more fully realized Anton Chigur. Great double feature for the kids.
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