1. We have 326 participants! A Knew KUBE rekord! If you do your math with 328 partiicpantsx$10.00 an entry that means that... according to my math we have almost 2100 in pool money and after Don's cut there should be almost 400 left for prize money. Again...great job!
2. We would not have the TOTALLY useless "Initial Projected Standings" which tell us nothing accept that Logan A. picked enough long shots that he should be drug tested.
3. The "projected stats" are also only useful in figuring out that A. Logan picked so many long shots that we do not even need to have him drug tested...because we KNOW he is on drugs.
4. Tyler Warlop (of the Quad City Warlops) is our current leader and out of the box very strong. Additionally my sister Lenore Becker (we call her coin flip) is number 3 with John Steffens at number 2.
5. Drew (the high functioning mentally retarded law student) Burbridge is the most intriguing of our early leaders with San Diego State winning it all. I am hopeful for him because Drew has over 2 million dollars in Grade School, High School, Trade School (he thought he wanted to be a dog groomer, then a massage therapist), College and Law School debt. Good luck Drew!
6. Luke Kissam is number 326 and his family is considering "pulling the plug". Occasionally we lose a kontestant.

In the mean time, maintain your personal stoopidity levels and enjoy the night and the weekends games. It is the best time of the year and you are participating in one of the finest, oldest March Madness Traditions in the kountry. God Bless Us Everyone.
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