1. Butler returns to Sweet 16
2. France leads allied troops into Libya
3. Mississippi River turns red and runs backward.
You decide. But what a tournament. I am soooo happy for the Butler Bulldogs although they destroyed my bracket in the worst possible way with that nail biting victory over Pitt. Then Wisconsin has a great...GREAT game with K-State and ekes it out and SDSU battles and finally prevails over Temple. A great day of ball yesterday and more KUBE Karnage.
I am watching Sundays games play out but i will have to komiserate regarding that tomorrow. Needless to say i believe that there is a reasonable chance i could be shut out of the Elite 8. And it is not even my fault. My son... my son on the other hand comes back from his girlfriends sorority formal up at Valparaiso (they beat Butler in a Horizion League game) bouncing in and talking about his "Richmonds" and his VCU's and his "Wisconsins" and asking "who has two entries in the top ten?" Yes... he is becoming THAT guy. I have created a monster (pictured above).
I am taking some comfort that Kukla (recovered from car fire, third degree burns and hangnails in just a few days. If you ask him why he will credit his diet of raw chicken breasts ((at least 7 a day)) and protien shakes) is taking off for Colorado and will not be able to update standing showing my son moving up as my own brackets careen drunkenly towards the 300's where they will eventually settle like the Lusitania. At least I am not depressed or bitter about it. Rather than watching Sunday nights games and allowing my son to track his progress I am forcing my son to watch the "Matlock" marathon on Lifetime. That Andi Griffith sure can act and he keeps me from thinking about my 4 entries...dying...
But I digress. Saturdays stats are stimulating, other than my son doing so well. The kream always rises to the top in the KUBE and Finnerty, Assa and Mc Ginnis are a clear example. A just and loving God will indeed squash the Mangosqatch or "mangosaquatch" as I have come to think of him, out of the top of our hallowed brackets. Shayo Mowen made a HUGE 77 place jump but looking at todays games.. and her champ and she has a Mangsquash problem. Aaron Becker (my nephew) jumped 108 points and is also "on the move".Looking down at position 56 I see that Henry Warshaw is making his picks in hi Definition. Very techno savvy Mr Warshaw. Dropping l;ike a stone...Tom Mulvhill drops 119 places. And I think he had Butler going two rounds. Impressive. Shari Follis at the bottom of the bracket has flatlined. Services to be announced. She will be missed.
The obnoxious, monster of a son has just announced that if his Obama stolen brackets win he will donate 10% to his re-election campaign. God have mercy on us all.
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